Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Drones VS Carriers


There are always going to be hundreds of various scenarios that can be played out on the battlefield, but it has become obvious that these massive carriers will become sitting ducks against swarms of drones.

Drone production and advancements are still in the infant stage and will get better and more lethal with time. OTOH, carriers are carriers and what you see is what you get.

Game on.

Telegram   t.me/mayorofmitchieville


  1. You did not mention that these carriers have nuclear power plants. As soon as a carrier is damaged the many countries in the area will go ape shit. Of course, a paid up media will keep the lead shield up. I think people will enjoy the hours of camera footage from The Swarm.

    1. The grisly battle could be any day now. I suspect the Regime has an AI fake Greta Thunberg sex tape collection ready for distraction.

  2. I'm not going to lie, I'd love to watch that video.
    And yes, the distractions are most definitely queued up and ready to go on a moments notice.

  3. I mean, they have those drones that have eight legs and are programmed to crawl into the ship, into where the sailors are. These ones have deadly sprays and can tinker with computers.

  4. I'm told they have drones that can play bagpipes. Imagine the harm they could do!
