Tuesday, January 16, 2024

It Was The Worst Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times


This was from Sauble Beach, Ontario, April 2020.

The progressive Mayor of this amazing town made it illegal, punishable by a $100k fine for WALKING on the beach.

As a matter of fact, the $100k fine extended to all Bruce County beaches. You could walk on the boardwalk, literally passing people within inches, but for some reason walking on the beach was a super-spreader event punishable by a $100k fine.

No science, no thought, just stupid idiots imposing totalitarian restrictions on other stupid idiots, who, to this day, would do it all over again if given half a chance.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a pro-Palestinian event. At least I know I won't be harassed by the police there. 


  1. Take this miscreant out at the polls, Mayor.

  2. Her daily routine of 4 jelly doughnuts and a large strawberry smoothie will do the job for me, I'm sure.
