Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Is Russia Going To Invade Europe?


The chief of the British Army is set to tell fellow Brits that Russia is set to invade England and that the British must immediately mobilize:

Gen Sir Patrick – who has been openly critical of staff shortages in the military – believes there should be a ‘shift’ in the mindset of the public who should be willing to defend the UK against foreign adversaries.

Nato bosses have warned allied nations to be prepared to take any and all actions necessary to fight Vladimir Putin’s forces.

Western leaders need to get one thing straight - there is no one in any of their respective countries willing to give up their lives to fight for RULeZ-BAseD-ORdeR.

If they are thinking that the white man will once again come to the rescue of globohomo, that boat sailed long ago. So they need to get that out of their heads.

As for immigrants? If anyone thinks for a minute that immigrants from India, China, and the Middle East are going to take up arms against Russia and die for homosexuality, trannyism, feminism, or any other host of RULeZ-BAseD-OrDer, then they are crack-addled degenerates operating on a single brain-cell.

But this isn't about trying to mobilize the general population to war against Russia, this is simply to cast Russia as the boogeyman in order to raise money to give to the most corrupt nation in the universe - Ukraine.

Funny how all these leaders within days of each other are preaching about how Russia is going to invade in a year, 2 years, 5 years, 20 years, etc. All at once they're saying this. And their speeches always end with, "So we need to stand behind Ukraine and support them FINANCIALLY".

All the while, Blackrock and other multinational corporations are buying up Ukraine left, right and center.

There's not a snowball chance in hell that Russia has its sights set on invading Europe. It even feels stupid having to type this out.

No one wants to invade Germany, France or England, because to start with, these countries are garbage. There's no need to invade a dead and or dying country when these shitholes are killing themselves. 

This is about money. It always has been and it always will be. This is so simple that my head hurts explaining it. 

1 comment:

  1. Now you know what those military age males were for. To fight for NATO against the Russians.
