Friday, May 3, 2024

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee.  My landlady had a St.Brigid's cross up in the hallway. She was from Monaghan, too. I put this up so I could have a memory of her, before Sinn Fein finishes the forcible conversion of Ireland to Islam. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Victory Coffee


A bit academic, but a good start to this aspect of Mass Formation Psychosis. 

Victory Coffee

Monday, April 29, 2024

Victory Coffee

 Victory Coffee.

They have sewn the wind, and will reap the whirlwind. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Horoscope for the week

Tuesday is an auspicious day.
Venus takes the crown with the Sun, Jupiter, and, Uranus in attendance. However, in the first act, Venus squares Pluto, which is to say 'government action triggers revolt'. While constitutionally legitimate, the co-opted judiciary and academia, themselves are revolted. Simultaneously, the angry People* are given a focus to their anger by the actions of a co-opted judiciary**; for that matter, elements within the judiciary and academia have decided to secretly support the reactionaries***.  After sunset on Tuesday, the People become aware of the power they have.

Aries: Your fishing adventure ends on Wednesday with you holding the prize. Your interest in programmable earth moving equipment is topical, and you will be presented with a string of typical problems each day after Wednesday. There is an organized conspiracy to thwart your parking choices; one of them will fall into your clutches on Saturday. Loosen their tongue with your charm, Aries.

Taurus: Tuesday is a good day to get that winning lottery ticket you have been wanting since the ides of March. Things get even better on Wednesday, when the local black market has a new small engine repair kiosk. Of course, the time travelling sex tourists find you irresistible. If you keep the lights off, you will not have to cope with the constant name changes. The special shoes you got from SPECTRE have a number of attachments that are fun as well as practical.

Gemini: Out thinking everyone is less of an advantage when it is nap time at the office. This week, you will have your work done by the time the talentless agree on pronouns for the paper clips. Get them when they are asleep. You will look back on this moment when you are supervising civil servants to dig an anti-tank ditch around a strongpoint outside of Kleinberg. 

Cancer: Tuesday is a case in point, Cancer. Rival sex circles take each other on in full drag conflict, with a flash mob of journos in Antifa drag taking on the leather sadists pretending to be po-po. Somehow, this will turn into an advantageous real estate transaction for you, Cancer. Wear gloves for your own protection when you get first dibs on battlefield pillage. How many properties can you squat without your family knowing? 

Leo: Looks like the tickets for your off planet vacation are ready and will arrive Tuesday. It is not until noon on Monday, May 13 that you take the shuttle to Saturn. Nothing is really happening right now. Relax. Do not turn on the internet. Listen to the outside. No sirens, are there? Relax. Binge watch something. 

Virgo: You will miss out on the hands on action in all three of the world crisis events that happen on Tuesday. After Tuesday, everyone will be including tunneling in their spring gardening plans. You can exploit this knowledge by stocking up on tunneling tools using your coupon savings. 

Libra: Your impressive accomplishments bear fruit on Tuesday when you are rewarded with a Triumph. Unfortunately, organized crime, in the form of government regulations, cramps your style. The low-Q hires want to shake you down for more no-work and no-show jobs. Take advantage of slow police response time and work out your frustrations with some Iroquois culture.  Clothes line a shop lifter as they run by. Your legions will love you for it!

Scorpio:  You are being pushed into making decisions about things you do not want to make decisions about. Can not people just leave things alone? Knowing that Vigilantes make the best Regulators will help you in a Human Resources decision later in the week. 

Sagittarius: A tape recording of a cat vomiting up a hair ball is a good starting point for an auto dialer campaign to market your world view. The idea that the Russians will use 'chem trail' weather control technology to drown Europe in a few feet of rain is fake news. Russians use metric, not feet. 

Capricorn: The best the Universe can throw at you is to have you clean up a puddle of dog piss. You have arrived, Capricorn. Your karmic debt for endless past lives is paid. Abandon yourself to simple pleasures. Prepare to enjoy the spectacle of Total War! To enjoy the finest pizza and ice cold beer on your sofa in your enclave! Let the earth shake, it refreshes your beer! The burning people remind you to have a chicken wing with hot sauce! Aaaargh!

Aquarius: The role of Lawgiver is up for grabs, and the whole Zodiac knows that you are going to get the job. Get your mind wrapped around the problem of branding, of marketing, for this Total War period of commerce. Maybe some decent counter icons for those maps they like to show on the TV in the air raid shelters. 

Pisces: A show of force is the display of strength you need to cement your control over the turbulent north-central tribes of your northern front. Success is measured in yards of concrete in the army fighting during the age when soldiers are underground.  How long can your facade of innocence fool the eyes of the Russian Artillery? Maybe you should wear a disguise when you walk under the sun.

* Moon in Capricorn

**Jupiter conjunct Uranus

***Moon trine Jupiter/Uranus

Friday, April 26, 2024

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee. 

Friday! Time for pig roast and recharging electric cars on the front lawn with the jury rigged cord!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Victory Coffee


 Victory Coffee. I try to keep my whiteness in check by being a lifelong learner. Let us learn about making arrow heads from glass bottles. Now that society is even more wonderful rainbow happy sparkles, knowing about making your own arrow heads is topical

Victory Coffee


Work at home day. Victory Coffee

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Burning Train In London, Ontario 23/4/24

There's was a burning train that went right through the center of London, Ontario today, and I have no idea what the hell is going on.

Other than, it's a train, it's burning, and I have nothing to do with it.

Having said that, it looks cool and I approve.

Male Physicians Are Killing Women At An Alarming Rate


Naw, I'm kidding, that was pure clickbait.

Overweight/Obese By Faith


This is just as I expected. 

Pack Your Bags, Bitcoin Bitches!


We're going to the moon!!!!!1!1!!

Yes, I See What You Mean


Just crack/methheads slow-rolling down the street, casually looking into every house they pass by.

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee.  Mmmm. Nothing like sitting at your professional desk, in command of your progressive world. From your office desk, from your powerful keyboard, you control Wikipedia. You are the dog in the manger! Your whisper campaigns to keep out the wrong sort of people happened at your desk. Your office is a place of power.  Hold on to it!  

Myself, I do not have a career, nor a job. So, no desk; and no last stand. Instead, I have Victory Coffee. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

My Financial Analyst Is Shit


And I don't mean he's THE shit, he's just shit.

Would You Like To Own Your Very Own Robot Dog?


For only 10K American ($750 million Canadian), you can own your very own knock-off Chinese dog robot, ripped off from the good folks at Boston Dynamics.

You'll never receive truer love than that from a knock-off Chinese robot dog. Real dogs act like they love you, but they don't. They really, really don't.

Be A Dangerous Man


A good man is a dangerous man.

Unleash your inner dangerous man.

Physical Fitness Is White Supremacy


Walking, riding, lifting weights, or doing anything to improve your physical well-being is a sign of white supremacy.

How, you may ask? 

What Is The Ideal Body Size For A Woman?

Keep in mind that the chosen ideal body size for a woman was selected by other women.

In other words, it's not accurate at all.

Would You Remove This Hornet Nest For $10,000?


We could play this game with convicts - except they don't get the benefit of wearing the suit. Remove the hornet nest and place into bag and win your freedom.

Watch on Pay-per-view, only $14.99 + HST.

Victory Coffee


Good Morning, happy worker!  Too bad you do not have a job; better yet, you are gaming the system and have morning happiness, like me. I spend my time helping our vibrant Squatter Community. This morning I am going back to bed after a weekend of pig roast, cigarettes, and, rye whiskey. I usually get up around noon. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Never Tuck Your Shirt In Again!

Is it too good to be true! Of course not, it's TRUE, it's TRUE!

Everything Is Free


Somewhere in an Ontario City this happened. I don't know where, but the name probably rhymes with Crampton.

They Were The Worst Of Times, They Were The Worst Of Times


It was indeed the worst of times. And the worst of times brought out the worst in people. As evidenced by this video.

And always keep in mind, the people in the video - absolute lunatics - were and are legion. And they would gladly have you thrown in an internment camp, have your children taken away from you, have you demonetized, and banned from going outside, if another fake pandemic comes around again.

Horoscope for the week

Neptune is a lowering tide that exposes scat savoring Socialism, creates a desire to see people alight, conceals propaganda, and selects fresh buffet fare for the endangered ocean lamprey.  Anyone can seed the clouds now. You can read how in the newspaper. That next freak snowstorm with ten meters of snow, just might be your neighbors doing. You can buy the affection of your migrant neighbors, but it only takes a team and an evil scientist to get you a decent snow storm maker machine. The snow is certain; you should prepare. 

Aries: People just light up with enthusiasm Wednesday afternoon. You are The Team. You are just so good at it. You are not effected as many by weather control out of control in the hands of school girls because Dad is at work. The healing planet Mars hunts fish this week. Their organs make good transplant material for people and for pets. You can get in on the supply chain, Aries. Make a few bucks, eh?

Taurus: Your birthday is as good a time as ever for a Show of Strength. Search for portents in a sectarian riot close to where you live. The excitement starts towards midnight on Monday, with your personal invitation to an all you can carry savings event thanks to the tip off from your brothers in the lodge. By sunrise on Tuesday, you will have a year of fashion at your command! 

Gemini: Your design for a collapsible halberd, using PVC tubing and a cleaver, is a hot seller for your e business this week. Your thoughtful nature proves resourceful, as the dozen or so you kept back as Christmas gifts, prove popular gardening tools, especially after the sun sets on Monday. By sunrise on Tuesday, you will be a cigarette smoker, and have a new car. You are Mad Max.

Cancer: You will learn to use the power of your directed thoughts to influence the actions of groups of people within your line of vision of your secret roof top lair. The common people will look to you for hope, especially if you wear your Anonymous outfit, which is just your secret right now. You have food and beer for weeks. Might as well settle in and enjoy Darwin at his work. 

Leo: It is hard to be the hero in a flash mob, but you find a way, Leo. You are just that good! For once, your ghastly stench when you sweat is not captured in film, and you go viral, everywhere upwind. Need less to say, mind control gases include aerosols and fine mists. The sunset on Tuesday proves the start of Festival in your frame of mind. Your parking lot gang becomes rich in groceries.

Virgo: Your interest in spontaneous human combustion proves a useful conversation topic whenever you are waiting in an elevator lobby Monday forward. Be a gentleman, and let the flammable protestors have their own elevator. One of the protestors has left a buttered bagel, untouched, where you can get it. Maybe you should wait for toasted. Your call, Virgo. 

Libra: Your ingenious design, to include a cat and dog feeder into your secret elevator, proves invaluable when  you stagger home drunk, secure in knowing that your secret elevator is also going to feed your pets, too. On Tuesday, sober at last, you will ponder the sixty kilos of meat that has appeared on the elevator pet food storage display. The mystery is solved, with all the style of Napoleonic artillery on Friday. Your elevator is harvesting interlopers for pet food grade protein. And selling their clothes for profit on the internet. 

Scorpio: You are embarrassed to discover a near by neighbor already has an extensive tunnel network under his three bedroom bungalow. He has a den, a brew room, and, trade goods like cigarettes. Swallow your pride and help him move a new pool table down to his subterranean lair on Tuesday. That clever mind of yours is a money making agency, but not when bogged down by nightmares about the cost of concrete. Review your position on slavery for the debating society meeting.

Sagittarius: An extra terrestrial entity, the Asbestos, Tobacco, and, Telemarketing cartel, interrupts your drunken stupor midnight on Monday when you are attempting to forget your sorrows. You will not think much about it, until you realize a subconscious suggestion was placed in your mind at some time in the past. Your obsession is easily slaked when you are invited to join your local Asbestos lodge this Tuesday, at midnight.  You will win the lottery after that.

Capricorn: A pagan river god has chosen you to be their priest. You were wise to avoid the job up to now, but after what happened during the eclipse, you want it. A show of power is good advice to give on Monday at midnight; but by Tuesday you will be opening the tickle trunk that you have kept back for Festival. In the rain it will be so dark that you will know that the alligator returns to Lake Winnipeg this year. 

Aquarius: The Manson Family welcomes you to the community. I am happy for you. The secret society behind the Manson Family invites you to join on Tuesday at midnight. Answer the phone in the elevator because the boss wants to tell you you have done a good job. You will enjoy having goons with you on the days you shop for vegetables, especially Thursday at sunset. 

Pisces: You will be invited to join a reconstitution of International Rescue during a tunneling conference. You are, after all, The Man. Your gift for spending money has drawn the attention of a discerning, yet mysterious, extraterrestrial cartel. Secret agendas overlapping is a good feng shui. What race of men was given birth upon the mountain where you toil? They want coffee with their breakfast, these people.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Remember When We Use To Have Nice Things?

'Excuse me, excuse me, what are your gluten-free options?'

She Can't Find A Job


I've watched this 10 times and I still can't figure out if this woman is 20 years old or 44?

STD's Among Women Are Skyrocketing


There's another reason why std's among women are skyrocketing, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it is.

It's right on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't think of it.

Man, what the hell is the reason std's are skyrocketing among women?

When I remember, I'll come right back and give you the answer.

A Carjacking In Brampton


On average, there are 22 car thefts per day in Brampton. This is but one of them.

If this makes you nervous, you can always take the bus. 

Oh right, the bus. 

Squatter Therapy

Many of my paying readers have asked the same question: "Fenris, how do the squatters get into the house in the first place? How do they get in to change the door locks in under ten minutes?" This is a good question. The answer I was told was tunneling. This explains why I have been allowing the theme of tunneling into so much of my other, unrelated, writing. I am around so much tunneling activity that the sights and smells of tunneling have surfaced up from my subconscious. I was just in the nearby Dupont tunnel. It is now a brewery. An undocumented brewery.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

GDP - Canada vs. Russia

True, True. BUT, Canada has diversity, and diversity is our biggest strength!

Take that, Putler!

Option B


My Financial Advisor really is shit

The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times

If you don't like that opinion, just give me a few days and I can have a brand new opinion for you.

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee

Back in the days when writing on desks was wrong. Now, we have graffiti

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mindbogglingly Mindboggled


How could a movie of such magnitude not make trillions of dollars?

How About Having Sex With a Robot?

If I was a robot, I would totally come up with a research paper that reveals everyone wants to have sex with me.

TTC - The Better Way!


The TTC - where we prioritize your safety through rigorous security measures and details. We also offer a range of entertainment options, including curated art installations to live performances.

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Mayor's Favourite Chinese Philosopher


Smoking heroin and walking around all day crunk-eyed whilst wearing fashionable head-wear is the only philosophy I ascribe to.

There, I said it.


I'm Voting For Vlad The Impaler


It's best to avoid asking this fine young man what his preferred pronouns are, if you know what's best for you.


Our Public Sector Parasites


You're looking at about 300,000 public sector workers. If it takes 4 private sector workers to sustain 1 public worker, then that's in the area of 1.2 million private sector workers.

Can this even be right? 

They Were The Worst Of Times, They Were The Worst Of Times


Ya, this wasn't just a 'walk it off, bro' type of experience, this was one that will stick deep inside forever.


Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee

Monday, April 15, 2024

Ancestral Mathematics


Life is an amazing gig.


Flat Earthers Are Now The 2nd Dumbest Shits In The World

The dumbest shit has to go to this unit.

Please moms, don't smoke crack while pregnant.


Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee.

Good stuff from The European Conservative... 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Horoscope for this week

 Aries: Late Monday be yourself as you choose to push people out of the way. If you are up to being outnumbered in a road rage confrontation, take on that special group of beggars on your weeding list. The smell of fish will tell you you have done a good job. There are good bargains on housewares and concrete at the shopping mall close to the harbor. 

Taurus: An induced psychosis manifests late Monday and will be irritating to your tranquility while you shop for good bargains and excellent quality at your favorite fruit store. You will be lucky at cards on Friday night and come into possession of a new good luck shrunken head to add to your collection. The color and sequence of the beads in its hair will tell you a story, Taurus.  

Gemini: Will a life of luxury and sloth take you away from your life of danger and excitement? You are the perfect man for the task. It is obvious. Around closing time on Wednesday, a flash mob sacks the mall where you get your shoes repaired. Your last minute shopping could be rewarded with pillage. Defectors from the enemy bring the stink of Yankee to your camp.

Cancer: A stocking mask makes a useful backup Covid signaling device when roleplaying an Urban vigilante. Remember to pay yourself first, especially when the fish are running on Wednesday. The price of concrete may be being manipulated by surreptitious secret combinations digging tunnels in your community. Your speculation in grass seed futures pays off ten fold.

Leo: The fate of civilization lies in your hands this week, Leo. On Wednesday, you will face a pack of hyenas. Your heroism will be recorded by surveillance cameras, and become a model for AI produced stock footage of man versus wolf pack. Alternately, make a offering of fish to Ishtar, if you know what I mean. You can enjoy sex robots as much as the next guy.

Virgo: You will enjoy carrying the briefcase with the Secret Plan for World Peace. Take some quality time to make some changes to the numbers in the appendix. This is a great time to indulge in plotting revenge, especially on Wednesday, when there are great bargains at your favorite shopping mall. The square mouth shovel is your friend for most parking lot spills and clean ups. 

Libra: Your secret identity remains secure. Nobody is suspicious about that. However, you have a secret admirer. Quite a few, as a diabolical genius has hijacked you image and used it to program a viral oriental sex sensation. If you see tour bus of asian school girls unload anywhere close to where you are in the parking lot, you should run. If you hear them scream, they are too close, and have recognized you, or more rather, your sex god avatar. 

Scorpio: A medley of Japanese Nationalist tunes can be heard in a shopping mall you do not visit often enough. It has been redecorated with a Shinto theme, and the merchant tenants complement the virtues of thrift, value, and, commerce. Your personal Central Bank is ready to take your orders starting on Wednesday. If you have drinks with a veteran of the Marine Corps at the bar there, you will realize that the place is really a tavern. 

Sagittarius: An unending supply of power is soon to be under your control, all according to your secret plans, Sagittarius. Bravo! Wednesday, the very problems you will ultimately eliminate, flare up, giving momentum to your lazy minions to shift themselves to effort. You can control them with food. Include tunneling in your spring gardening plans. Ask for catnip from the man at the desk.

Capricorn: Make some quick contract cash doing offboarding of other people's problems. Wednesday, your friends at the yacht club miss you, and the rental guy can get you a comp. Replacing the wood in your fireplace with uranium ceramics is a good idea. Your magic power, Capricorn, is to be able to bend telemarketers to your will. 

Aquarius: You will get a surprise call on Wedneday regarding your good ideas about your design of the AI rescue boats. Be prepared with a propeller redesign, and you can spend the rest of the week with babes and martinis. Regardless, some bargains are yours with full pillage pricing event at your local shopping mall. This is why you have the overclocked lap top, Aquarius. 

Pisces: Keep your escape bag packed this week, Pisces. There are vacation specials in all the places you like to go, and you can make a few bucks from your Scorpio friend, the organ broker. Abundance and luxury sit well on your shoulders, and you have Aleister Crowley good looks. As for your secret agenda driven by your secret identity, well, Wednesday is a good time as ever to go full swordfish.

Not Our Problem


It's not my problem and I don't care. I would never fight for a foreign power, or let my children fight. 



Taking One For The Team

Even though whitey only comprises about 8% of the global population (and 100% of its problems - gimme gimme gimme), I'm completely onboard when it comes to the soy community making sure they can't reproduce.

The only thing that saddens me is that they didn't come to this conclusion 50 years earlier.

Are We In WW3, Or What?


As we waited for Iran's response to Israel's attack on Iran's embassy on April 1, it became apparent that whatever was going to happen was going to turn out to be a nothing burger with an extra side of nothing. We weren't disappointed.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Victory Coffee


Good Morning!  A friend of mine has had a set back at work and needs cheering up. I told him you are not working for SPECTRE, so it is not a big deal. As for drawing the attention of SMERSH, well, SMERSH does not exist now does it.  The penalty for failure starts at 53 seconds. 

Cheer up, buddy! You have good looks and the admiration of your peers. They have your back.

You have to admire those shoes. They would be great for public transit here in Toronto. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Victory Coffee


That Coolock place is in the news, not the main stream of course. This is a little sampler I found, to put things in context. Those Irish, storming into police stations. This is from three years ago. Hopefully these hooligans have been replaced, and not just displaced into poverty.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Squatter Therapy

My journey of healing
began when I bought two door locks on sale at Canadian Tire. As a retired person, pretty much all forms of recreation are closed off from me by racism. People of my age in Toronto, used to spend retirement hours in activities at libraries and museums, at the park and restaurants. That does not happen now. What can I do to decompress? I decided to spend the Easter weekend squatting. I feel good!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee

Nothing like a homesick song for a time when your home, like Atlantis, has disappeared.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Crimson Sky

Nothing like a beautiful sunrise to clarify the mind. 

Be sure to continue to follow the Mayor of Mitchieville on Telegram, or Pinterest

Myself, I am dealing with some temporal matters and posts will be infrequent until they are not. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Top 3 things to do

Now that you realize that leadership needs a mentor and a tutor to slowly perform basic tasks, you can game your way to improvements in your life condition.  You have command over simple arithmetic, grammar, and, fractions, and realize that you can press this advantage in life to feather your nest. Here are the top 3 things to do.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A trip to the Office

Me, I have friends. Some have office jobs. They do not fix cars. One of my office friends, he needs money. He works in the financial sector in Toronto, in a big tower. His side hustle is finding people on the internet who will pay him to do odd jobs in Toronto. He got an email from some guy, this guy wants my friend to take a desk top computer in to work and plug it in. The computer is heavy. My friend asked me to help. I would carry the desk top, in a nice bag, wearing my blue pinstripe, to fit in. We have already practiced getting me into where he works; that way we could have coffee in the cafeteria.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Prove your pronouns


So, you need a sex tape for your resume. It is the woke thing to do now. If you want to advance your career in the financial services sector. Prove your pronouns is the slogan. Let us face it, too many people were just pretending. Not no more. You say you are gay? HR wants a vid of you getting a facial. Food allergy? You better back it up with a buddy cam following you through your convulsions in the ER. 

Some people say no to this. I know how you feel. I have felt the same way. I burn with rage at injustice. But, I have found that just giving money to the Mayor of Mitchieville to produce a quality AI fake sex tape is the best thing to do. I feel better!

The Mayor of Mitchieville is easy to reach. He is on Telegram. (this is the link). 

The Mayor is the best person I know! He will help you to make the best sex tape to impress HR! It is all done with computer! You will not end up stinking of latex, tuna, and, bum! 

Tell him Fenris sent you!

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 


Horoscope for the week of March 24, 2024


Aries: You go undercover to undermine a plot. Your sign is always in dynamic tension between your inner immovable force and your daily existence as an irresistible object.  Starting Monday, you will realize you are being hunted for your fashion sense. A shoplifter will follow you in the store Thursday, stealing every thing you select. You have a good eye for value. 

Taurus: Be prepared to answer the question What do you bring to the table? at dinner time on Thursday. Thinking outside the box suggests not saying anything, Taurus. Your answer will differ if you are talking to college kids, or to organized crime.  

Gemini:  Expect a resurgence of interest in your cause Wednesday at dinner time. A pre eruption tremor alerts people at the same time.  A Mata Hari with fentanyl lip coating crosses your path at a busy greeting ceremony. You are the definition of cool on Thursday. 

Cancer: Nurture a homeless encampment and watch how local culture evolves in the direction you set. Thursday, expect an opportunity for you to shine in the darkness. Have an alibi. Have an all you can eat meat barbecue on the weekend with new friends. 

Leo: Your dark side summons the urge for chewing tobacco on Thursday. The convenience store where you make your secret life purchases will have plenty of chewing tobacco. Is anyone watching the cameras watching you? If you knew how much they liked what you did to them when you caught them, then you would rethink your position on branding and scarification.  

Virgo: Nobody recalls being hypnotized by Charles Manson. Read the backgrounder and you will score a coup d'conversation around dinner time on Thursday. As the week progresses, you ability to perceive auras will develop. 

Libra: You know something. Some people know it, too. But, some of those people, they are also in contact with aliens from outer space. This will all be explained to you at dinner, on Thursday. Your real test is to not spray food when you first hear it. But now, you know. You can thank me, next week. 

Scorpio: The luxury fat camp in Haiti might be a scam. Nobody diets on a Caribbean vacation! Your thoughtful gesture of including several two pound bags of meat spice in the carry on bag is appreciated. Your sign never leaves someone's life insurance to the last moment. Coupon clipping starts with cutting open the flyer. Stay up to date with an old friend when they call on the silver phone on Tuesday. 

Sagittarius: Fashion crime is out of control. Dinner time, Friday, another uprising gets added to the backlog. You will hold the keys to this one. Serious bargains through coupon clipper savings! You have a personal portrait of Dorian Gray: is it you or someone else in the picture?

Capricorn: I know what you did. Now that prison time is resume candy, you can float your experience as a positive! Post woke business leadership celebrates the face slap, and maybe you, Capricorn, can help shiv things along. 

Aquarius: Charles Manson trivia figures prominently in your social conversations this week, Aquarius. If you want to score some points with the Swifties for Charlie, read the backgrounder. There is excitement for you too on Thursday, at high noon. An old man and a gold digger pass through: you knew them in a past life. 

Pisces: Reading a document using the secret decoder crib can be challenging. The people you meet with secretly, they know. You should know the importance of familiarizing yourself with on board emergency procedures. Before Tuesday, ask someone about repelling boarders, which is a nautical term. You never really know what the office elevator is going to open up to, now do you? 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee!

Bring me Ketchup

I can go and get a free crack pipe, but I still get bullshit backtalk about Ketchup on my fries. One of the regional sauces of North America is Ketchup. I value Ketchup. It tastes good. I am an old man now, and demanding. Bring me Ketchup!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Victory Coffee


Gosh, this is only from three days ago. Has anyone told this settler colonialist that they were just stealing his car so they could go steal some food, and that is OK? 

Victory Coffee! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Inside Mitchieville

The Mayor of Mitchieville has wisely established a Mayor's Council concerning Recreation and Time Travel. The Mayor's Council concerning Recreation and Time Travel has issued a Safe Consumer Product advisory. I think we should pay attention. There are time travel scams out there, my fellow Mitchievillains, and we should be alert!

Victory Coffee

Shit is going to get very real, apparently. With all those drones, soldiers are now 'underground'. Good thing we have gun control in Canada, and we have the Canadian War Machine to keep us safe from the Russian hordes.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room is a phrase I associate with endless hours of health and safety training. In common use amongst tradesmen, it was an awareness chant. Not no more.

Apparently, the phrase is being used to refer to The Diversity. As in, the many things you cannot talk about around them; how you have to just listen to things you find repulsive; how you have to just stand around things that are disgusting.  Apparently, it was one of the factions of The Diversity that moved the goal posts... and I cannot talk about the details of that, the inciting incident.  Apparently factions within The Diversity loathe each other more than they loathe white people.  Anyway, that faction started to use The Elephant in the Room to refer to unacceptable behavior traits. 

If you do travel about Toronto, you will notice that some construction workers do not wear hard hats.  If you are observant, you will also notice an absence of green patch boots. As for the rest of what is going on in the construction trades with the failed assimilation of some cultures of The Diversity, I cannot talk about. Within the construction trades, the use of The Elephant in the Room, as coded language for things repulsive and loathsome, is now being suppressed. 

So, shut up your mouth. This is not something to gawp about, like a derailed subway, a gas main explosion, or, an erupting sewer. 

Be ready to abort The Elephant in the Room from your vocabulary; and be prepared to have all documents (you know, Health and Safety training stuff) purged of this now offensive phrase. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care.

Victory Coffee

 My neighborhood does not look like this.  My neighborhood has graffiti, murder, and, never a Canadian Flag. I would show a clip of my neighborhood, but, except for the diversity on parade, it is not as nice as this.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Horoscope for the week of March 17, 2024

Xipe Totec manifests in the distributed computer networks of the Ontario financial sector. Beware of offers of reskinning. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Victory Coffee


Too many elephants in the room here, but the video does touch on a few points.

You can reach the Mayor on Telegram now,

He is happy to listen to you. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Horoscope for the week of March 10, 2024

 Xipe Totec reveals himself in financial services sector software. The reskinning of software engines has awoken something. Expect to see ectoplasm manifestations around cash machines. A face watching you from inside your computer screen could frighten some people ... but you have your weekly horoscope to guide you around resurgent supernatural forces. Here is the horoscope for the week of March 10, 2024.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Lifelong Learner


They are digging tunnels, the hobbitses. Goat eating hobbits. Tasty goat, pieces and bits! Secrets. Secret tunnels. Shifty bags of dirty and stone. Dusty smell of elvish bones! Speak of war; war back home. They eat goat and bread and cheese; in scraps where they eat for lunch and tea. Tasty goat, Toronto hobbit tunnel fare.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Top five poor food choices of the Dark Ages

From the Christmas Kitchen Supplement
to the December edition of Serial Killers' Monthly Magazine come the top five poor food choices of the Dark Ages.  

The lifelong learner


It is Toronto tradition. Yes. The people here would paint their skins blue, dye their hair red, and, launch raids into Ulster. For plunder. Of course, we do not do that any more. No, we go to the Eaton's Center.

Yes, it is funny. The plundering! People are always happy when they are plundering. Better than the white man's Christmas! But, the Toronto Scots, we do not do that any more. We keep the tradition alive by wearing tartans, eating shortbread, and, putting whiskey in breakfast oatmeal. Mmmm. Oatmeal!

When you wear tartan, it is to remind you of the sacrifice of your Scottish ancestors who would paint themselves blue and hide in a mud pit, breathing through a tube, and rise out of the muck to grapple with a passing Ulsterman. Shortbread is to remind you of the blue painted Scots who wait patiently in a tree to drop on unsuspecting passers by. They only had shortbread to eat while they waited. As for the tradition of whiskey, it is to remind the blue painted Scots of the difference between the whiskey oatmeal (which takes on the golden coloring of that elixir) and the 'thank you for open borders' yellow liquid oatmeal left in an empty, pillaged barn. 

You should go to the Eaton's Center.  It is like 800 A.D. all over again! 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 

A visit to the supermarket


My supermarket has a big parking lot.  It is so big that it is half empty most of the time. I like to look at the cars and people as I walk by. The half empty part of the parking lot is not so empty. There is some guy selling stuff out of the back of his station wagon. I have a nose for value. Let us check it out!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Horoscope for the week of March 03, 2024


Astrology can guide you. It is a friend that takes you by the hand and takes you towards your destiny. This is the Horoscope for the week of March 3rd, 2024.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The amazing world of Crystals - the power of Sodium Hypochlorite!

Open your mind you squares to hippie wisdom. From the bong Astrology peddled here to the next plane: Crystals!  And because I care, let me share with you an easy to get power Crystal you can get your hands on right now! 

Using proper protective equipment (and, void where prohibited by law) take a glass bowl of a sodium hypochlorite solution and look through it, through the glass.  Visualize the charged crystals, swimming about! Feel this Zeitgeist flow as a bleaching force. You have unlimited power. 

I am an expression of the primal will to good! 

Through me it takes form in thought and word!

Take upon yourself the power of the activist molecule Sodium Hypochlorite. Draw its power into your green chakra. Ooooh. Power bong wisdom!

In a dirty world, you are bleach. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 

Top 5 Nazi Secret Weapons misplaced by the Canadian Army

The old hands always used to talk kind of quiet like about this stuff, but they are silent now in the mess.  Kind of makes you wonder.  Something lost there, HQ?  Do you need a hug?  Here are the top 5 Nazi Secret Weapons misplaced by the Canadian Army. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Let Them Eat Chips


What is coming will be unlike anything any of us ever imagined. 

For many, the hurt will be lethal.


So This Happened 28/02/24

 Here's a bunch of nonsense that happened:

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Miss Germany 2024


Top 5 things for Human Resources in developing a Secret Planning Department

The thing about having Secret Plans is not that you are edgy; the thing about having Secret Plans is having a Secret Planning Department. Throw in a serving of coffee, a room to change out of Canadian Blizzard gear, and now you need Human Resources to set up Logistics. I am a Human Resources professional, it says so on my card.  From my notebook, these are the top five things Human Resources professionals need to know when developing a Secret Planning Department

Monday, February 26, 2024

Horoscope for the week of 25 February, 2024

Aries: A lingering air of madness is found in your public spaces. When you see naked people, having a good time, in a shopping mall you only frequent rarely, then you have a decision to make, Aries. If this happens on Wednesday, then you can walk two paths: have your cake, and eat it too! 

Taurus: In your nightmares they are making clones of Hollywood celebrities to come to Brampton as sex workers. On Wednesday, a sex robot crosses your path: an advanced model that has escaped from a space ship. On Thursday, keep the keys close to your person.  When the door shuts and the lock clicks, you want to be the person with the key. 

Gemini: You have access to enlightenment levels of comprehension and good taste on Wednesday.  On Thursday, the irrelevant is stripped off a problem and your full attention is required. With the tinsel removed, you will find answers that uplift and magnify.  Use your background awareness to establish an additional computer identity. 

Cancer: Make problems smaller. The correct combination of amulets is close at hand on Wednesday. On Thursday, someone is getting a hard lesson, but it is part of growing up. Your opinion is not immediately popular, so save your insights for your investment banker.  One of your alias accounts receives a deceptive coupon for a deal on chicken. You are being fished. 

Leo: Things will appear different under the light of day in contrast to what appears at night. Be aware of this and stage an important decision to the time of day that engenders the answer you want.  Wednesday, you will perceive the general case of this day/night thinking; and on Thursday, a serious critique will sharpen your skills. 

Virgo: The administrative cadre of the legion of Chaos attains a gilded honor. You will sense this on Wednesday, Virgo. Surveillance systems are baffled by your guile. Thursday finds you contemplating employment in a press gang; be assured, you can work your side hustle 

Libra: Easy journey to other planets is available to you: inspect your junk mail for a flyer from a reputable space travel firm. The price point is attractive. The destinations are all places you want to see. You can get human food at the hotel.  The reality of your snap vacation is a frowning boss and weeping co-workers. Thursday, you will figure out how to have your cake and eat it too.

Scorpio: A space alien artifact comes into your possession on Thursday which will help explain what happened before you got it. You will figure it out, mostly, on Wednesday.  This will make perfect sense to you on Friday. As another distraction this week, several gadgets are available for your amusement.

Sagittarius: Your past life as a dark ages war lord is showing. On Wednesday, the signs of peasant revolt are comingled with signs of sea borne invasion.  Take your pick, but both problems require the efforts of competent leadership, which, sadly, is not present.  Thursday, your soldiers salute you as Imperator. 

Capricorn: World events manifest in cloaked form around you. You are an observer here, Capricorn. In the areas of communication, culture, and, combat, you will leading edge insights. Wednesday, a psychopathological structure is dissolved; Thursday, a reminder from Santa Claus.

Aquarius: This is a good week to interact with your Manson family connections.  Make an unexpected visit on Wednesday: the hospitality you experience comes from a time before pronouns. Thursday, a difficult situation is turned to your advantage.

Pisces: You will achieve an advanced state of comprehension on Wednesday. On Thursday, you will notice that you have developed the ability to become invisible. You can rationalize it, of course. People are just not paying attention, eh? At least once this week, look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are born under the sign of the Earthshaker.