Monday, May 13, 2024

Top five things you can now do when you unpack your knapsack of white privilege


Dig tunnels.

Hack into the grid to get free electricity.

Make your own booze.

Set up an extortion racket.

Build your own reactor. 

Make your own lead paint.

Use asbestos building products. 

Make your own lead octane gasoline. 

Have dungeons for community building. 

Have a machine shop like a supervillain minion would. 

Be a skilled taxidermist, respected by your peers. 

Have a secret library of books, which no living person touches but you. 

Have a sex robot staffed tavern that serves a good burger. 

Have a percentage of the community whorehouse.

Putting carved images of pagan gods into public spaces.    

Doing graffiti in the moment.

Casual vandalism because you feel creative. 

Watch things burn.

Have places to hide things.

Spend quality personal time on the study of the types of pole arms that could be made from gardening tools. 

Have a running inventory of impromptu weapons in your supermarket. 

Derive enjoyment from others suffering.

Practice having a false face when dealing with people.

Become adept as a stage hypnotist, ventriloquist, and, coffee maker. 

Become adept with marked cards, dealing underhanded, and, seance etiquette. 

Use an AI to make you free money.

Manifest pyrokinesis through spontaneous human combustion by hypnotic suggestion. 

In your day to day, identify people as either victims of your strong arm robbery skills, or as people out to rob you. 

When you wear a mask, think of strong arm robbery opportunities. In this way, you will project confidence and problem solving ability. 

Find time for humor: laughing to yourself in public might terrify them, but it makes you feel good. 

Learn to emulate others writing and signature. 

Learn to free climb up the sides of buildings. 

A good time to practice counting your pulse is when you are watching someone through a window when they are unaware. 

Practice your good kitchen partner skills with knife play with cuts of meat. 

Become an escape artist. 

Become a ninja. 

Learn how to turn off the electricity in houses, even if you have never been in their house before. 

Have sets of modified body armor suitable for your personal combat style. 

Learn how to listen to people even if your hand is over their mouth. 

Have and appreciate a proper cheese cutter.

Collect shrunken heads.

Soup up a lawn mower.

Use exotic fuels for garden tools. 

Make your own pesticides.

Put a raccoon feeder in a neighbors attic.

Have a free beer spigot on your deck overlooking your lake. 

Be competent to perform a lobotomy in a harm reduction basement clinic. 

Be adept at the use of large magnets to shift the local magnetic field, and the effects on wild life,  human mental equilibrium, and, poltergeists. 

Tell people 'You are nothing without me'.

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