Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Burning Train In London, Ontario 23/4/24

There's was a burning train that went right through the center of London, Ontario today, and I have no idea what the hell is going on.

Other than, it's a train, it's burning, and I have nothing to do with it.

Having said that, it looks cool and I approve.

Male Physicians Are Killing Women At An Alarming Rate


Naw, I'm kidding, that was pure clickbait.

Overweight/Obese By Faith


This is just as I expected. 

Pack Your Bags, Bitcoin Bitches!


We're going to the moon!!!!!1!1!!

Yes, I See What You Mean


Just crack/methheads slow-rolling down the street, casually looking into every house they pass by.

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee.  Mmmm. Nothing like sitting at your professional desk, in command of your progressive world. From your office desk, from your powerful keyboard, you control Wikipedia. You are the dog in the manger! Your whisper campaigns to keep out the wrong sort of people happened at your desk. Your office is a place of power.  Hold on to it!  

Myself, I do not have a career, nor a job. So, no desk; and no last stand. Instead, I have Victory Coffee. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

My Financial Analyst Is Shit


And I don't mean he's THE shit, he's just shit.

Would You Like To Own Your Very Own Robot Dog?


For only 10K American ($750 million Canadian), you can own your very own knock-off Chinese dog robot, ripped off from the good folks at Boston Dynamics.

You'll never receive truer love than that from a knock-off Chinese robot dog. Real dogs act like they love you, but they don't. They really, really don't.

Be A Dangerous Man


A good man is a dangerous man.

Unleash your inner dangerous man.

Physical Fitness Is White Supremacy


Walking, riding, lifting weights, or doing anything to improve your physical well-being is a sign of white supremacy.

How, you may ask? 

What Is The Ideal Body Size For A Woman?

Keep in mind that the chosen ideal body size for a woman was selected by other women.

In other words, it's not accurate at all.

Would You Remove This Hornet Nest For $10,000?


We could play this game with convicts - except they don't get the benefit of wearing the suit. Remove the hornet nest and place into bag and win your freedom.

Watch on Pay-per-view, only $14.99 + HST.

Victory Coffee


Good Morning, happy worker!  Too bad you do not have a job; better yet, you are gaming the system and have morning happiness, like me. I spend my time helping our vibrant Squatter Community. This morning I am going back to bed after a weekend of pig roast, cigarettes, and, rye whiskey. I usually get up around noon. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024