Aries: Something from the past is paraded in your view, outside a window. They look familiar, but although they look like the people from your memory, they are someone else. A powerful alignment of planetary forces builds up to a battle in which you will achieve Total Victory on Friday. Deja vu, eh?
Taurus: Memories of your past lives on the utopian continent of Atlantis will bubble up into your consciousness, triggered by handling familiar things in the present that were also common to your life experience way back then. And some great bargains in skin balms. You radiate.
Gemini: Another week of you can't really go wrong, and you really can't go right. So, really, do what you want, just do not expect the expected outcome. You can figure this out real easy, Gemini. Maybe let someone else deal with unpleasant tasks. You will thank me later. Find out more about one time pads for your secret communications.
Cancer: Your intuition that the designated powers of the gods of the ancients have been shifted around is correct. One hint: Venus is now exalted in Aquarius. For that matter, your responsibilities for the next two thousand years have shifted. This is worth contemplating down at the lounge with your bunkered up buddies.
Leo: The leadership has split into two factions, again. Your suspicions that the leadership is taking the wrong lessons from popular television series (e.g. Wolf Hall) does spark your interests in the Human Resources guru Felix Dzerzhinski . You have to admire a man who sleeps in his office.
Virgo: The spiritual implications of Canada's postal strike have even your practical self pondering Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man. Study the wisdom of the Medieval abbots in Central Europe who brought the health drink beer to the thirsty masses. Things are changing, this being the onset of the Aquarian Age. You will find yourself in charge of a free sex hippie chick commune.
Libra: Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom has work for you. Firstly, she is also a War Goddess now. Hmmm. Certainly better dressed than that Mars guy, and always with a just war, with identifiable bad guys. A relic from ancient Atlantis will find its way to your kitchen.
Scorpio: I hope you have restocked the first aid kit you keep handy. Your skills as a surgeon will come to the forefront, but only if your householders insurance is not up to date. If you want to avoid using the kitchen table for something not approved by vegans, keep the people who smoke stuff in glass pipes away from your power tools.
Sagittarius: Your plans to overthrow the government run into unexpected logistical problems when someone else beats you to the coup. Fear and worry will flee your mind, and be replaced by a certain amount of determination to do better next time. Study of
Capricorn: Everything is going according to plan. Unfortunately, the planning is being done by your subconscious. You feel out of control, but the invisible forces providing the opportunities of your dreams seem to be doing a good job. You do nothing well, and this doing nothing is rather pleasant.
Aquarius: Time travelers from the future need your input on necessary Agricultural reforms. Access your past life experiences from Atlantis and you will get the job done with such ease and haste that you will be invited back to the portal for a fun filled vacation in a future paradise.
Pisces: If you close your eyes, you can see through the fog. Yes, Neptune has gone direct, but nobody much notices, except you, Pisces. You will be the first to notice, but those around you are either immobile coral or wavy sea weed. You are the big fish, Pisces. And, you have the ability to crawl on the land now.
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