Friday, January 19, 2024

So This Happened 19/01/24


Although featuring fat chicks wasn't the main reason Sports Illustrated packed it in today, it definitely was in the top 2. As for the top reason, The Mayor will get to that after this short commercial break:

Much of the staff of Sports Illustrated, and possibly all remaining writers and editors, received layoff notices Friday, which essentially could spell the end of a publication that for decades was the gold standard of sports journalism.

The #1 reason why SI is toast (or soon will be), is because of this name - Leyna Bloom. First trans woman on the SI cover. 

Putting what 99.7% of the male population refer to as an abomination unto God on your cover is a death sentence to any magazine, let alone a magazine that men only read for the off-chance they may see a hard nipple shot of some swimsuit whore.

Good riddance, don't let the door hit ya, and a big FU to all you greasy turds who destroyed a perfectly average sports magazine.

Canadian Defense Department spokesman grabs his mangina and cries:

The Department of National Defence says it won’t stand for members of the Canadian Armed Forces removing or vandalizing the feminine hygiene fixtures now required in men’s washrooms.

“The provision of free access to menstrual products at all federally regulated workplaces is inclusive of all workers who menstruate, and it will improve the well-being of nearly half a million workers who may require menstrual products during their workdays, including cisgender women, gender diverse individuals, transgender men, and intersex individuals,” the Defence spokesperson said.

If Kotex pads wiped up stupidness coming from the lips of Defense spokespeople/spokespersons/Xi/BLT/Zipods, then I say send these male bitches a skid load, pronto!

What an absolute embarrassment. Even the devil is embarrassed for them.

Our immigration system is out of control!

“That volume is disconcerting,” Miller said, in reference to the number of international students in Canada. “It's really a system that has gotten out of control.”

Our immigration system was out of control starting about 35 years ago. 

What the liberals and conservatives have done since is nothing short of treason.

Nothing can be taken seriously anymore, because everything is a terrible joke.

Play the system, try to speed up its downfall, and enjoy the world as it burns around you. First have a nap though. Naps are the best.

1 comment:

  1. It is not that this that is presented is an object, but that you are the subject. It is this fat model whose ego is stroked. Her wurst waist is hot! Thousands of eyes are upon her. Who cares about you. This is part of the price for these magazines.
