Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Sources of inspiration for characterization for creative writers

People ask me, 'Fenris, how do you churn out so much original material in such a timely, topical fashion?' Well, that sort of proprietary information can be yours when you join the Mitchieville2020 pay site. But, I care. Here is a taste, a spicy Hors d'Oeuvres to whet your ambition. Turn here for a source of characterization for quirky characters for creative writers...  

linkedin  A bottomless gold mine of quirky characters that can do double duty in children's fiction or a psychological thriller.  Rationalize their mush mouth platitudes with some Freudian mumbo jumbo, and you have a character!  Rush the script to studio!

The search feature on linkedin is your friend.  Just find some public person and just let your curiosity lead you through the Elysium fields.  Who is this person?  Who has their back?  Who backs them up?  

Check out the posts mentioning Claudine Gay, for example.  Wow, so much love for this victim of racism. Essays and comments, with likes and more comments.   And, because it is linkedin, you can check out who wrote the post.  So brave.  And what wonderful people to recommend whatever.  Mind you, being a famous downtrodden, the linkedin entry for It has been scrubbed.  Holding people accountable to their own rules was never meant for the ability challenged, which is why it had to be scrubbed.  If it was still around for mockery, it would be mocked.  You know who that stirs up.  No need for that.  Inspiring for a three movie production.  

If you want to know how to use linkedin to check out companies to invest in, you are going to have to go to the Mitchieville2020 pay site.  I stand behind the fine people at Winged Pyramid Investments **,  and will not compromise their trade secrets.  But, I care.  So, do some linkedin searches on "DEI".  When you find the front hole sandwich maker*** with the tag line "DEI Champion"  wrapped up with HR command powers, you just know you have a winner.  Just like canned pizza, you have an inspiration for a characterization.  

So there it is.  Check out linkedin.  Like most normal people, set up a few burner accounts.  linkedin has some vague rules for banishment and suppression, and who knows what 'my penis is having its period' logic applies.  

That is my contribution to the body of knowledge of Western Civilization.

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this.  I care.

* If you do not know the pronouns, or do not know the phase of the moon for their usage, use It, as in capital-I-little-t.  Pronoun people are always enraged, and nothing you can do can appease them, so just call them Its.  The clock is ticking on these useful idiots and you just have to wait until some splinter faction or the other gets around to some mostly peaceful reconciliation and hands on replacement.  

** Winged Pyramid Investments is an undocumented financial institution operating in Ontario.  

*** Woman

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