Saturday, December 9, 2023

So This Happened 12/9/23


The 100 Day Cough

Health experts have issued a warning about a highly contagious disease known as the “100-day cough” that’s currently spreading across the UK.

The bacterial infection, which has seen a 250% increase in cases, starts with cold-like symptoms but can lead to severe coughing fits lasting up to three months.

People don't care about this. Death and disease are NOT fashionable anymore, and flu's and covid and coughs and dripping orifices are not talked about. If these things were a worry, the government/media would let us know when to worry, how much to worry, and when we need to take the disease deniers and put a bullet through their heads.

Dying On The Waiting List In Canada

The number of Canadians who have died while on a waiting list for medical care is at a five-year high, according to a new report.
Over 17,000 patients died before they could be treated with surgery or diagnostic scans, says a report published on Dec. 6.
That number represents a 64 percent increase since 2018, the report said.
As your Mayor, I regret to inform you that all the solutions to fix our broken health care  system have been exhausted, and only death and despair greet those who wait for answers to their physical and mental problems.
The only solution that has been tried, and has failed miserably, has been to blindly throw hundreds of billions and trillions at our health care system, and hope to hell everything worked out fine. 
Well, it didn't work out fine. And there's a good to chance that your final memory of this world will be one of looking at the ceiling tiles in a waiting room, taken care of by people that couldn't care less about you, paid for by a government that hates your guts.
On the bright side - Taylor Swift will be touring Canada next Year. Yippee, Swifties!
Finally some sane news is coming from our government.
How did Canada even fight ANY war without their male soldiers having safe access to feminine hygiene products?
I mean, the Vikings sure couldn't live without menstrual products. 
Like the time Forkbeard conquered Europe. Right before they went into battle, Forkbeard was giving his troops an absolutely epic speech and ended with the line, "Many of you will die in battle today, and many of you will be maimed for life. But none of you will go into battle without your Kotex."
And that's why the Vikings won. 
And that's why we ALL won.


  1. The health experts blew their wad over the past 3 years hysteria, good luck with the 100 day cough, or white lung, or whatever they'll call it next month. It's not working, which dovetails well with the rest of tier 2 Canada.
    A decade ago Patriot Nurse™ spoke of having a few sanitary napkins handy in times such as this, they're just the thing for an open gunshot wound, after all that's what they're made for. I think it's great the gov't of tier 2 Canada has gotten onboard with supplying all of us with gunshot aid. The Somalians aren't that great of shots, though they are at times lucky, even against the Vikings.

  2. I knew a professional tailor who would mend straight. And he didn't have to go to the menstation to do it.

  3. I heard that during the first Gulf War, American troops started using kotex for gaping wounds inflicted on the battlefield.
    So, in a way, kotex has always been used for gaping wounds.
