Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Professor Bob

Enough, Already 

Is it enough? What is enough? Do I have enough? Have I done enough? 

The dictionary says: occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations. 

Crap!! That is no help at all!!

What is “enough?”   Sufficient?  Adequate?  Competent?  Suitable? 

Then ask the questions, “ Is it good enough for me to be satisfied?” “Is it bad enough for me to take action?” ” Is it long enough to reach?” “Are they attractive enough to date?” “Is it clear enough to understand?” 

So “enough” is a threshold, a bar to reach, a measure of things, but, above all, it is a judgement, for what is enough for me may not be enough for you. Sometimes, a consensus is possible, but not often, “Are we doing enough to combat homelessness?” Depends on who you ask, the homeless or the taxpayer.

”Do I make enough money?” Enough money to do what? Buy beers or buy a house? “Are they attractive enough?” Attractive enough to do what? Take home or marry? So add to the question of “for who?” the question of “for what?” 

Ask a car salesman, “Is my car good enough?” and they will always say “No.” Ask a hitch hiker and they will always say “Yes.” 

So, to close, I would ask, “Is this post good enough?” For who? For you. To do what? To read. And then to say, “Enough, already.” 

Professor Bob


  1. For me, your post isn't enough. I'd like MORE!

  2. For some of us, they never have enough. For me, it is enough that you read the post and were moved to comment. Professor Bob.

  3. There are times when there is enough, or even when there are enough, like in 1967 when there were enough houses built for folks in Canada, but now there apparently isn't enough houses for the freeloader future #Libranos voters crashing the gates.
    Actually, I'm fond of "too soon?" and for the record, it's never too soon. Ever.
    Sometimes I'll have a neighbor ask me, "Marc, how much to switch out my water heater". And I'll reply $1400 for the 40 and $1600 for the 50.
    Then my "new neighbor" from over there will ask me, "Excusing me very much sir but I need a new water heater so my wife can have a warm bath, how much would you charge for this service?" and I reply with "Happy wife, happy life, I can do this today for $2400 tax in" and he'll ask me if I can do this today as nobody else will ever speak with him in such calm and respectful measured tone, and I'll then state respectfully, "is today too soon?" and then he'll be so happy having a freshly refreshed wife again today, right after dinner they can get back to business.
    It's never too soon to get back to business.

  4. But didn't New Order assure us that "it's never enough until your heart stops beating"? I take those guys pretty seriously.
