Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Professor Bob

Gettin’ Paid for Gettin’ Laid. 

Yep, it’s true.!!! Stop the presses, re-write the headline, this is big news, the story of the century. This will re-write history.


Men and women are different. As if you hadn’t noticed. Evolution has pushed the two sexes apart, in many ways. 

How many guys have wondered about their partner’s ability to get lost?? When they have specific directions, like 5 blocks, turn right, next lights, turn left, stop at number 161 Apple Avenue, they get lost. Like, is your brain made of tofu?? 

Women, why doesn’t the guy get it?? He watched you drool all over your cousins patio set, you left a flyer on the back of the toilet, stopped at the patio sets in Home Repo, talked about having people over for a barbeque, did everything but send him a registered letter, and he asks, “What to get for the house??” Like, is your brain made of tofu??

Listen, guys, for millions of years, it was your job to go hunting and bring back the bacon or antelope, or paddle off over the horizon in search of fish. The guy who got lost, while carrying a haunch of meat, ended up being late night dinner for the local predator. Getting lost in the jungle was a deadly mistake. Talking scared away the prey. Call it evolution in action. 

Ladies, for millions of years, it was your job to care for the kids, keep the home fires burning, arranged communal activities and division of labor, read the look on someone’s face, and settle disputes between those brain dead guys. Talking and listening prevent spear fights and dead people, which are bad for the survival of the community. More evolution in action. 

So why be surprised when a noted journal asks, “Why do men buy sex???” Why are some women willing to trade sex for resources?? Evolution says that a man’s best chance for passing his genes into the next generation is to have many kids with different women. A woman’s best chance is to see that the few children she can have in her lifetime get well carried for. This has been true for millions of years. Again, evolution in action.

Women have a problem with daddy material and husband material. Attracting a guy with the best genes is much, much easier than keeping him around after the act. The best husband material she can attract, the one least likely to stray, is likely not the best daddy material. And the guys know this is true. More evolution in action. A woman is always certain who the mother of her kids is. A man can never be sure who is the father. These are politically incorrect things to say. Too bad they are true.

If you like, go read the article. Everybody has their own take, depending on the author’s sex and culture. One thing for sure, it truly is “The Oldest Profession.”

Professor Bob

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