Sunday, December 3, 2023

Victory Coffee

 Nobody works anymore.  Atlas shrugged and is off to the black market.  It is Sunday, a day for side hustles for cash, and keeping the paperwork up to date for your monthly parasite money.  Becoming a Lamprey-Canadian was my best financial move to date!  I enjoy my Victory Coffee.  I also need a project to work on today.


  1. kijiji 2023:
    Again at the end of the month, the shortage of quality housing has struck and someone is caught out of the musical chairs which is the Canadian housing market. A free table here, another media centre there... asking $50 obo. Sometimes they're listed as "wood" sometimes as "wooden". I'm amazed at how little the common Canadian knows of what is wood, and what is wooden. I only buy teak and I know and love teak, I don't deal with oak or other garbage like maple as I know nothing of it except I'd buy at $40 and sell at $80.
    I send an offer on the teak, it's grudgingly accepted by the near homeless union worker who offers opinions on how to repair the world, I keep my MAGA opinions to myself. I disassemble the table, looking for a marque stamped under, or a "made in Denmark" sticker as I hoist it into the back of my convertible. My daughters have matching Tacomas, I refer to these as "Slowcomas" while I think of the $60k I've saved on my purchase of a $5500 car. The season for pickups with convertibles is rapidly closing, maybe a couple of weeks left until spring thaw.
    The table doesn't have stickers or stamps of origin, but one can tell and in a few days this will look terrific again (never, never sand teak furniture!!) Friday by 4pm this will be on the kijiji and the asking will be $940. 90% of my sales are Saturday am and if I'm still looking at it Monday I'll reduce the price by 10% and sell by next Sat. am. I haven't done any plumbing or gas fitting since Edmonton July of 2022. Sometimes I doubt I'll remember the tricks of the trade if I have to return to legit taxed work. I suppose working at a tax-me job and selling tax free teak would be kinda posh for a blue collar like me, I could get used to doing both at the same time. No doubt I'll be doing this after I "retire". My ex said I should get gov't pension, continue working a taxed job, and sell untaxed furniture and overlooked thrift store buys. That's a lot to juggle, I'm not used to having cash come at me from 3 directions. It'd be 4x if I add unvaxed semen at $3800/load.

  2. If you can source good teak, we might be able to do business. I propose to set up a chain of pop-up boutiques just before Hallowe'en, to catch the holiday trade. It would sell Hallowe'en ornaments made exclusively of teak. I'd call it "Boo! Teak".

    If you're interested, just post your private banking details on this site and I'll get in touch.
