Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Top 5 jobs for Older Men for the Eternal War

You do not want to really talk about your job prospects in the Eternal War if you are an older man. The younger men are all going to die.  Well, go to the front. You do not want to upset them. That would not be very woke. For older men, the employment landscape is as bright as a flare. You will need head protection, your future is so bright!  Here are the top 5 jobs for older men for the Eternal War:

Air Raid Warden. There will be a wild number of shelters, built and administered by the same people that brought you Toronto Transit. So these will be variable 'no show' to 'no work' jobs. You can side hustle entrance and exit taxes. 

Looter Suppression. Older men are easily capable dealing with looting gangs of women and children. Property owners will pay in food for this service. This work only occurs around missile strikes on Toronto, so it is a great side hustle (see Air Raid Warden, above).  This is the job for people that want to tape criminals to light poles and paint their bums blue. 

Press Gang. If you enjoy hunting game, but had that normal interest suppressed by emotional abuse by the woke, you will enjoy rounding up skulkers.  These are generally the lumpen proletariat of the diversity, and will be scapegoated by the main stream media.  If you like some media attention, all the while driving around in a new truck, hunting kebabs, then this is for you.  Physical strength helps. 

Black Marketing. With contempt for rule of law, municipal strong men arise. If you can drive a car like a white man, you can quickly assimilate into a Manson Family organization.  You will eat well and get your hose drained.

Kept Man. Your market is wider if you are bisexual, of course, but gonad agenda driven people will suddenly find the older man not only a useful piece of art, but a two in one combo of hunk and protection from looting gangs of women and children.

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 

1 comment:

  1. I look convincing as a corpse and can easily pass for mangled. Could I find a job as a Casualty Stand-In for the propaganda bureau?
