Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Victory Coffee

  Victory Coffee

Time for diversionary reading.  How about this (link)?   The Halls of Macadamia is one of my regular reads. 

As for soothing visual images while I drink Victory Coffee and have a Victory Muffin, try this.  I like watching this.


  1. Maybe she mistook it for a potroast?

  2. I first heard about the phenomena of people putting their babies in the oven when I was dating the head of emergency nursing at a Toronto hospital. Apparently, it is cool and quiet in the oven; an excellent place for baby to have a nap. Just remember to not turn the oven on. And do not judge other cultures. Diversity is Strength.

  3. I heard that it's not the Bake cycle that hurts the child, but rather the Broil cycle. Unconfirmed, of course.
