Thursday, February 29, 2024

The amazing world of Crystals - the power of Sodium Hypochlorite!

Open your mind you squares to hippie wisdom. From the bong Astrology peddled here to the next plane: Crystals!  And because I care, let me share with you an easy to get power Crystal you can get your hands on right now! 

Using proper protective equipment (and, void where prohibited by law) take a glass bowl of a sodium hypochlorite solution and look through it, through the glass.  Visualize the charged crystals, swimming about! Feel this Zeitgeist flow as a bleaching force. You have unlimited power. 

I am an expression of the primal will to good! 

Through me it takes form in thought and word!

Take upon yourself the power of the activist molecule Sodium Hypochlorite. Draw its power into your green chakra. Ooooh. Power bong wisdom!

In a dirty world, you are bleach. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 


  1. If that ebt comes on here and says that Sodium Hypochlorite is a Lewis acid, and not a crystal, I shall cry.

  2. You have nothing to fear. Why, I didn't even know old Lewis was still dealing acid. Bless him.

    Mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation. Asparagus!
