Monday, March 25, 2024

Horoscope for the week of March 24, 2024


Aries: You go undercover to undermine a plot. Your sign is always in dynamic tension between your inner immovable force and your daily existence as an irresistible object.  Starting Monday, you will realize you are being hunted for your fashion sense. A shoplifter will follow you in the store Thursday, stealing every thing you select. You have a good eye for value. 

Taurus: Be prepared to answer the question What do you bring to the table? at dinner time on Thursday. Thinking outside the box suggests not saying anything, Taurus. Your answer will differ if you are talking to college kids, or to organized crime.  

Gemini:  Expect a resurgence of interest in your cause Wednesday at dinner time. A pre eruption tremor alerts people at the same time.  A Mata Hari with fentanyl lip coating crosses your path at a busy greeting ceremony. You are the definition of cool on Thursday. 

Cancer: Nurture a homeless encampment and watch how local culture evolves in the direction you set. Thursday, expect an opportunity for you to shine in the darkness. Have an alibi. Have an all you can eat meat barbecue on the weekend with new friends. 

Leo: Your dark side summons the urge for chewing tobacco on Thursday. The convenience store where you make your secret life purchases will have plenty of chewing tobacco. Is anyone watching the cameras watching you? If you knew how much they liked what you did to them when you caught them, then you would rethink your position on branding and scarification.  

Virgo: Nobody recalls being hypnotized by Charles Manson. Read the backgrounder and you will score a coup d'conversation around dinner time on Thursday. As the week progresses, you ability to perceive auras will develop. 

Libra: You know something. Some people know it, too. But, some of those people, they are also in contact with aliens from outer space. This will all be explained to you at dinner, on Thursday. Your real test is to not spray food when you first hear it. But now, you know. You can thank me, next week. 

Scorpio: The luxury fat camp in Haiti might be a scam. Nobody diets on a Caribbean vacation! Your thoughtful gesture of including several two pound bags of meat spice in the carry on bag is appreciated. Your sign never leaves someone's life insurance to the last moment. Coupon clipping starts with cutting open the flyer. Stay up to date with an old friend when they call on the silver phone on Tuesday. 

Sagittarius: Fashion crime is out of control. Dinner time, Friday, another uprising gets added to the backlog. You will hold the keys to this one. Serious bargains through coupon clipper savings! You have a personal portrait of Dorian Gray: is it you or someone else in the picture?

Capricorn: I know what you did. Now that prison time is resume candy, you can float your experience as a positive! Post woke business leadership celebrates the face slap, and maybe you, Capricorn, can help shiv things along. 

Aquarius: Charles Manson trivia figures prominently in your social conversations this week, Aquarius. If you want to score some points with the Swifties for Charlie, read the backgrounder. There is excitement for you too on Thursday, at high noon. An old man and a gold digger pass through: you knew them in a past life. 

Pisces: Reading a document using the secret decoder crib can be challenging. The people you meet with secretly, they know. You should know the importance of familiarizing yourself with on board emergency procedures. Before Tuesday, ask someone about repelling boarders, which is a nautical term. You never really know what the office elevator is going to open up to, now do you? 

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