Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Victory Coffee


I love this movie. I gave up on Hollywood crap, and this was the final nail in the coffin. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Your Notebook of Evil

I am a Human Resources professional. It says so on my card. 

Now I have staff refusing to come to work because of road blockades.  I know they would prefer to work at home, so the high pH opinion of The Boss is that this is an excuse, evidence of mutiny. In his perfectly correct mind, these people are mutineers. He is allowed to spout offensive words and opinions: he has video of himself at the Pride parade, so Labor law does not apply. 

The few who made it into work yesterday (their scheduled 'work from the office day') spent a considerable amount of time researching the issue. What do you do if you are attacked in your car? What do you do? they want to know. They did no actual work. More dust on the files in the in baskets.

The collective opinion is that it is futile to reach out to Law Enforcement about the question about what to do if you are having your car pounded on by masked protestors. There is a diversity of reasons they do not trust Law Enforcement:

1) They come from a culture where you do not trust Law Enforcement, period.

2) They say that Law Enforcement has bent the knee (or brought coffee) to criminals, and cannot be trusted.

3) They say that Law Enforcement is rife with factions. The response to crime is contingent on the personal whims of the constable involved. 

They provided a considerable amount of paper from their research into the truth of points 2) and 3) above. I forget what happened to this report; and there are no fingerprints of mine on it, anyway. I wear gloves at my desk to prevent Covid. 

To complicate things, the senior manager over this group of departments (not The Boss, the guy subordinate to The Boss), has used his position of power to arrange a permanent 'work from home' status. The rumor mill has it that he has moved back to his homeland nation and has repurposed his Toronto condo into an undocumented 'AirBnB' revenue stream. This is another reason that his staff hate his guts. Some of the staff are studying ninjutsu, a martial art, to work off stress. 

OK. So begins the second week that the General Ledger is 'out of balance', and the various sub systems (Loans and Deposits) will only close out with a lavish number of single sided accounting entries. This is generally accepted by the secret combination of programmers who do these things, as well as The Boss, who refuses to make himself look bad to The Man because the books are out of whack, now out of whack for quite a few days. Should be a full month soon.  Month end is being prepared for fudging.  

I am glad that The Boss is willing to use his line editor to make the books look balanced. Those printed reports that go to The Man are truthy. The computer data, not quite the same. The senior mutineer, who provides the technical expertise in single sided entries, is proud of blackmailing The Boss into withholding his wrath on the mutineers. I trained him myself. 

As for the idea that staff can make a killing off of short selling the stock of their employer, I have no recollection, and nothing in writing, and never any of my fingerprints on anything. Timing is everything in the market, eh?

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Victory Coffee

Victory Coffee

Monday, July 15, 2024

A walk in the park


I walk in the park and I am in love with Toronto again. It was the City of Light, tonight. As is my practice, I channel spirits, so I walk the streets, allowing the spirits to make their favorite selection of bodies to move in to. I was at Geary and Ossington, standing on top of the retaining wall. Jack, the tourist that Edgar Cayce warned you about, is here. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Horoscope for the week

Soil mechanics figures prominently in the horoscope this week. Olivine is the mineral of the week, and can be used in meditation to commune with plutonic intellects. 

Aries: A sinkhole is forming close to where you usually park your car at the shopping mall. Tuesday, a patch of gravel lane abutting a retaining wall becomes quicksand, and you are the first to figure it out. To increase your stress level, try and warn people without being charged with racism.

Taurus: Your week begins with imposed burdens paired with unpleasant smells.  This is the astrological indicator of a 'neglected barn that needs a cleaning'. Nothing you cannot handle, Taurus.  The backhanded opportunity is the fact that you will own the barn yourself soon enough. On Tuesday, your helpful gesture is misinterpreted as a home invasion. Wear gloves, as well as a mask to accommodate peoples fear of disease at the hands of a disguised bacteria.  

Gemini: From the beginning of the week until Wednesday, you will both receive blessings as well as distribute them. Friday, you will have your hearts desire even as others receive theirs. Gold figures prominently, although silver, diamonds, and, rubies will show up on the baubles. 

Cancer: On Wednesday, you will meet with someone who shares your interest in urban tunneling. Your instinctive understanding of Terzaghi's equation makes you a natural, and your qualities show. Early Friday morning, a problem just goes away, leaving you a little bit sad, until you realize someone forgot a powerful Alien artifact, which, really, you know how to use to purposes much better than them.

Leo: Distortion in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a strange moving anomaly that follows you around some 40 kilometers below the Earth's crust works to your advantage, Leo. If you venture around fresh water, be prepared to be hailed as a hero, and receive fame and product endorsements. Dress your most wonderful self, and utilize your mastery of all weather make-up. This opportunity zone stretches from the start of the week until two in the afternoon on Tuesday. Friday is a good day to buy socks. 

Virgo: From Tuesday at two in the afternoon until Thursday at midnight expect many small blessings as an extraterrestrial domestic service device works its magic within a range of 3.14 meters of the tip of your nose. You will find the key to the tunnel in a fold in the sofa. 

Libra: Strong arm robbery was never your forte, Libra. However, using the internet you can find the right AI and components to construct your own domestic assistant between now and Wednesday. Be careful, as the AI knows a lot of history, and knows that 'domestic' used to refer to the elite guard that surrounded the Emperor. Friday, expect a present; unexpected or not, do your best Thank You.

Scorpio: The issue of controlling looting during air raids starts to show up during staff meetings. It is not a problem, but your sign is gifted with foresight in matters of Total War. Keep your opinion to yourself about credit card access to shelters until you see which way the wind is blowing.  On Friday, score a half price dinner with your winning smile.

Sagittarius: You are an immovable force and an irresistible object this week, Sagittarius. From Tuesday at two in the afternoon until Thursday at midnight you have the double dilemma of working with conflicting law codes with a pedant, acting in the absence of the sense of the spirit of the law.  

Capricorn: Thursday, you receive a communication from your friends in your past life in Atlantis. This will get you thinking about subsidence, surface liquification, and, the signs of mountain up thrust centered under Dundalk, Ontario. Real estate opportunities are there, but make sure your investment lots face the smoking mountain. Everyone loves a view!

Aquarius: Mars has plans for you, but next week. Expect some foreshadowing which will ramp up in intensity through the week. If your birthday is Valentine's Day, prepare a travel bag as your services are needed off planet. Routine maintenance of your tunneling machine is called for, but the issue has been overlooked. 

Pisces: The way things work has changed, and the changing has not stopped. In fact, some things just backfire, which will bring you a good portion of Schadenfreude on Tuesday, Thursday, and especially, Friday. A review of your personal Confined Spaces protocol is called for when you get 'Pack Your Own Parachute' in a fortune cookie. 

The image used shows the mythical figure of Fenris leading Tyr by the hand down the garden path to a happy Summer picnic. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Victory Coffee


Victory Coffee!  Just finishing up the weekly horoscope and this sure fits the theme. Remember, if you saw it coming, it is coming tomorrow! The time for warnings is past; now starts the Summer for the Sons of Mars. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Victory Coffee


Indeed, acceleration is the new norm. Take infrastructure, for example. It is falling apart; and it is falling apart faster!  I wonder how a collapsing Canada fits into the master plan of NATO. Maybe the Russians will go bankrupt rebuilding our infrastructure. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Victory Coffee


Top five things you can now do when you unpack your knapsack of white privilege


Dig tunnels.

Hack into the grid to get free electricity.

Make your own booze.

Set up an extortion racket.

Build your own reactor. 

Make your own lead paint.

Use asbestos building products. 

Make your own lead octane gasoline. 

Have dungeons for community building. 

Have a machine shop like a supervillain minion would. 

Be a skilled taxidermist, respected by your peers. 

Have a secret library of books, which no living person touches but you. 

Have a sex robot staffed tavern that serves a good burger. 

Have a percentage of the community whorehouse.

Putting carved images of pagan gods into public spaces.    

Doing graffiti in the moment.

Casual vandalism because you feel creative. 

Watch things burn.

Have places to hide things.

Spend quality personal time on the study of the types of pole arms that could be made from gardening tools. 

Have a running inventory of impromptu weapons in your supermarket. 

Derive enjoyment from others suffering.

Practice having a false face when dealing with people.

Become adept as a stage hypnotist, ventriloquist, and, coffee maker. 

Become adept with marked cards, dealing underhanded, and, seance etiquette. 

Use an AI to make you free money.

Manifest pyrokinesis through spontaneous human combustion by hypnotic suggestion. 

In your day to day, identify people as either victims of your strong arm robbery skills, or as people out to rob you. 

When you wear a mask, think of strong arm robbery opportunities. In this way, you will project confidence and problem solving ability. 

Find time for humor: laughing to yourself in public might terrify them, but it makes you feel good. 

Learn to emulate others writing and signature. 

Learn to free climb up the sides of buildings. 

A good time to practice counting your pulse is when you are watching someone through a window when they are unaware. 

Practice your good kitchen partner skills with knife play with cuts of meat. 

Become an escape artist. 

Become a ninja. 

Learn how to turn off the electricity in houses, even if you have never been in their house before. 

Have sets of modified body armor suitable for your personal combat style. 

Learn how to listen to people even if your hand is over their mouth. 

Have and appreciate a proper cheese cutter.

Collect shrunken heads.

Soup up a lawn mower.

Use exotic fuels for garden tools. 

Make your own pesticides.

Put a raccoon feeder in a neighbors attic.

Have a free beer spigot on your deck overlooking your lake. 

Be competent to perform a lobotomy in a harm reduction basement clinic. 

Be adept at the use of large magnets to shift the local magnetic field, and the effects on wild life,  human mental equilibrium, and, poltergeists. 

Tell people 'You are nothing without me'.