Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Green Shoots & Leaves 2484

The economies of the world continue to circle the drain. Unemployment is higher now in the western world than it was during the great depression. Homelessness, depression, and suicide are rampant. All hope is gone.
On the bright side, The Mayor is really filling out his t-shirt in a most manly way. Laaaawd have mercy!

India's poor are being allowed back to work. Unlike in Canada, where the middle class are being forced to not work, which will eventually lead them to being poor. Then they'll probably be allowed to go back to work.

March apparel sales in the US are in free-fall.

Investor Words of the day - debt/equity ratio

Google has been ordered to turn over all Hillary Clinton emails from a Gmail account believed to contain backups to communications from her personal server which her IT specialist, Paul Combetta, reportedly scrubbed using BleachBit.

Quote of the day

The reality about food and drug shortages in Canada due to FluManAchoo

Panicdemic #7

Norse mythology for smart people