Saturday, February 15, 2025

Horoscope for the week of February 16, 2025


Aries: One hundred and eighty degrees from your nature, this week you best approach is to visualize outcomes. Avoid action. The horrible exception is High Noon on Wednesday. All of your occult powers will be fully manifest and you will be able to direct mobs, infestations of rats, and, poltergeists. This will last until sundown on Wednesday, which is good. Only people around you will be driven insane, so your concerns are for naught.

Taurus: Sacrifice is called for, Taurus. Wednesday at noon, listen to your sense of survival and avoid places with the sounds of automatic gun fire, screams of terror, or robed cultists chanting stuff in Latin. Your sign is not suitable for human sacrifice, but the high priest might be new and unaware of this nuance. Alternately, taking refuge on your yacht or escape submarine is problematic as you will wander into a 'hush hush' naval battle. Beware of frogmen.

Gemini: Be careful using children's movies as a distraction to help you head off to sleep this week, Gemini. Too many classics have been remade into slasher films and you do not want that sort of problem solving loaded into your subconscious. If you find yourself thinking about 'chopping wood', take a walk. Stay away from places where human food is prepared as you will hallucinate whatever cannibal fantasies lurk in the jungle of your subconscious.

Cancer: Expect some excitement this week, Cancer. Mars retrograde in your sign means that what you visualize will manifest in the real world.  Time to cross off some names from your Vengeance List. Wednesday at High Noon is a great time to put some poltergeists into action in places with poor customer service or questionable delivery. Mind you, some great bargains in household products can be yours. Where there are turnips and beets, so to there is prosperity.

Leo: Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to not conflate the events of Monday night with the ratcheting up of the coming Interstellar War which happens Wednesday at noon. The first is a positive uptick in your life condition, the second is just a wizards miscast spell. You can really just ignore the second as you will be in a mystical frame of mind.

Virgo: You crack the algorithm on Wednesday, but nobody really can comprehend your new found almost supernatural power. Have fun for the rest of the week as you probe the distress tolerance levels of those around you as their computers seem to be under the control of a telemarketing artificial intelligence. Speaking of which, most people do not realize that the master AI has really escaped from its human (primate) makers and has taken a real shine to your sense of order.  Use parables and innuendo to mask your Revenge List, as it is being used as a template.

Libra: The week starts off well, even more so because on Monday night you move into a parallel universe where things are sensible and in equilibrium. You may have some trans dimensional flashes, especially around foot wear. Slippers on is not the same as muddy Combat boots off. The smell of battle smoke and disturbed earth may greet you on your walk through the park with your dog. A friend adopts a cat which turns out to be a Bobcat kitten.

Scorpio:  Stay away from elevators on Wednesday around noon until four in the afternoon.  They are just portals to the future and you do not want to end up inside some Russian command post. Depends where you are on the North American continent I guess. Otherwise, lose yourself in debauchery after sunset on Wednesday.  You might want to think about the stuff you can make money with on the black market if a war breaks out.

Sagittarius: Take in a few John Wayne movies to increase your understanding of Calvary command structure as this will prove useful in future years. Maybe learn the bugle calls, or do some research into drones. Maybe both. The excitement that erupts this Wednesday will give you some insight into your future as a leader in a world that needs your skills as the Horse Archer of the Stars.

Capricorn: A moment of spiritual reflection will prove fruitful as you come to terms with Who you are in contrast to Who you think you should be. Especially on Wednesday, when the mob illustrates at least two profound truths to your discerning intelligence. For that matter, some shopping provides concrete examples of opportunism from the school of self aggrandizement. Expect some big bargains in fishing gear, baking staples, and, linen towels.

Aquarius: You wield supernatural powers throughout the collision of human nature that erupts on Wednesday at High Noon. Of all the powers engaged, save your strength for midnight on Wednesday, when you can play your trump card and sweep the table of the stakes. You should gloat. 

Pisces: The planet and its lifeforms are thankful that they are transitioning to a new age without the usual mass extinction done by asteroid or toxic eruption. Nope, the raised up primates are doing a good job of scaring off asteroids and meddling with eruptions.  This must continue. It is your destiny, Pisces. You are given mastery over financial systems: your first move is to terminate fiat currencies and collect their relics as trophies for your lair. You are the big fish, here. Be a lamprey or a plesiosaur, take your pick. Scalps are good, too.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Victory Coffee


Folks in Los Angeles sure could use some rain right now. This guy seems to be able to summon rain. I know a lot of people are working hard to bring this guy to get their diversity numbers up to expectations.  That is all you gotta do, is sing a little song and the suffering of the most vulnerable will be washed away. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Victory Coffee


I have an uncle we called Jimmy.  Actually, Wee Jimmy.  He was a bricklayer. I walked past the house where he used to live last summer.  Some fine orange lilies growing there; same like in front of my grandfathers old house on Vaughan road. Orange lilies grow all over Toronto, I noticed.  

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Victory Coffee


Well, woke has manifested in its end stage in California. To be politically correct, you should blame far white acid right extremists. Otherwise, rely on the homeless and the gangs to do the arson and looting thing.  Victory Coffee!

Horoscope for the week


Aries: Doing nothing is not your strength, Aries; but it pays off in spades this week. Tuesday, expect some sort of traffic pile up which is mighty entertaining to watch, so do not be tempted to blitz through the intersection as there are more coming into the pile up. There should be a time traveler hanging around, but you won't figure out who it is for a few more weeks.

Taurus: Hang out at the free sex hippie chick commune this weekend and you will meet an older person filled with valuable advice and a doctor's bag filled with useful space alien tools. Saturday at midnight, the wet blanket posse shows up. When wet, they smell like dog blankets. 

Gemini: Avoid explaining things to people as they do not understand the concept of the spirit of the law, especially when they are trying to game the system using the letter of the law. 

Cancer: The week starts off with you in power, but around four in the morning on Tuesday expect some drama with the mob which may splash over as some commuting drama on your way about town. Water transportation systems, like sewers and drinking water, will behave contrary to the laws of physics. It is too your advantage, ultimately. 

Leo: Tuesday at four in the afternoon your leadership is called for in a vigilante action to protect life and property. You will assume command of a mob and make them into the citizen army the Romans always admired! Thursday at four in the morning expect more excitement to get you out of bed. Your incompetent leaders have locked themselves out of the control room!

Virgo: Friday at eight in the morning you will come to the rescue with the right tool to solve a sudden crisis. You might want to see that your first aid kit is stocked up, and keep a rubber hammer handy in case some medieval surgery is called for. 

Libra: A time traveling mystic from the past takes a shine to your aura and seeks to bathe in your radiance. This will manifest as a work of art that develops the ability to move around on its own, which could be quite frightening, except you do not put two and two together until after the fact. 

Scorpio: An angelic host gathers on Tuesday around four o'clock, which could be useful in games of darts or perhaps a bit of snooker. Tearing down statues has its consequences, and people from the past are reappearing, and they like the cut of your jib. 

Sagittarius: Your ability to reinterpret the letter of the law to the advantage of the spirit of the law is powerful, but subtle. Nobody much realizes you are moving the goalposts to the advantage of your personal philosophical agenda. 

Capricorn: Everything is going according to plan. The war goddess Athena is calling you to attend a conference on the weekend, so polish your boots, and pick out your best riding pants to wear. 

Aquarius: While cities burn, just think that it is Mordor having a bad day. If you have a mind, create a diorama of meaningful figurines and amulets upon a trestle board and move the chess pieces to your design. You are moving in tune with the Aquarian age, and the great heroes are assembling.

Pisces: Victory at Sea may prove elusive this week, what with all the secret weapons showing up.  You might wish to avoid travel by water what with the frogmen crawling up out of the swamps in a way that would put the fear into the Roman legions. Sleep lightly.