Saturday, January 23, 2021

War Stocks

Whether you believe that Biden is the legitimate President of the USA, or Donald Trump is, is irrelevant. Whether you believe Biden cheated (he did) or Donald Trump will be back soon (he won't) doesn't make one iota difference. Whether you believe Biden operates his regime in front of a greenscreen set, or that Trump is still calling the shots, does not amount to a hill of beans. What matters now is how you are going to protect your money.

Just knowing which party is in power should tell you which stocks to allocate your money into. Seeing as the blue guys are here to stay is an indicator that three main types of stocks should be purchased: war stocks, pharm stocks, and green stocks.

When blue team is running the show, you can always count on plenty of war. War war war. Killing killing killing. And finding which companies manufacture weapons both big and small is as easy as finding mutilated Yemeni baby parts brought to you by the party of peace - the democrats.

 We're talking Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. That's 130 billion in contracts every year, and that's without even one major war happening. Just think how your portfolio will swoon as tanks and troops move back into Syria, troop and weapon boosts in Iraq, major war on the horizon with Iran, and not to mention a few mystery incursions with yet to be named countries (here's looking at you Russia!)

Next play is pharm stocks. The democrats are not overly concerned with healing its citizens, as much is it concerned about monster pharm kickbacks, friending power pharm positions to friends (domestic and international), and seeing the insane amount of money that is to be had from future Covid jabs (Bill Gates has a smile from arsehole to earlobe). Democrats always make the pharm industry richer by the day, they seldom have found a pharm company it hasn't prospered with. Also, have a look to see how many democrat senators and congressmen/women have invested in pharmaceutical stocks.

Play J & J (no brainer), Pfizer, Merck, Bristol Myers...hell, play any of them, they are all winners.

Finally, get some money into green companies. The Green Deal and many other green schemes will be implemented soon. Whether they will help heal momma earth is completely irrelevant (they won't, though), what matters is they are coming full-throttle, and you do not want to miss this sinking boat.

Trane Technologies, Rockwell Automation, Hubbell, NXP semiconductors, and Trimble (agri stock - and the largest landowner in the world, Bill Gates will agree, I'm sure.)

Things are out of control in America, and things are not going to get better any time soon. But, it is your job to take care of your family, so sometime's you need to hold your nose and just do what you have to do. The Democrats are here, they cheated to get here, but now it's time to take profit.

Besides, once you make scads of filthy lucre, you can turn around and donate x% to the furthest right organizations you can find. Hope that helps.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to prop up the turpentine futures market down here but suggest the city liquidate ASAP
    -TH III
