Monday, January 25, 2021

Keystone Pipeline - Win, Win, Win, Win, Lose, Lose


Now that President Bribem has officially cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, we can uncover who the winners and losers are of this ongoing tragic comedy.

Winner - Warren Buffett (pronounced "Boo fay".) There is no doubt in any non-diseased mind that Boofay was the main driver behind the cancelation of the Keystone pipeline. Now that Bribem has cancelled the pipeline, oil will now be delivered, funnily enough, by Buffett's railway and Buffett's trucking partners. 

Winner - Bribem. Joe "Big Guy" Bribem has secured sweet Boofay $$$ for as long as he infests this mortal world. Choo choo says the money train that goes directly into Boofay's pocket, choo choo says the money train as 10% goes back into Democrat and Bribem's coffers.

Winner - China. China has been buying up Canadian farmland for years, as well as commercial and residential real estate, and now they will get their hands on cheap tar sand oil. The Chinafication of Canada is nearly complete. They own all our useless elected officials, have a pipeline to cheap oil, own a zillion acres of Canadian farms, and have the market cornered on nearly every bubble tea cafe in Canada. Damn you, Tara milk tea with delicious popping bubbles!

Winner - Justin Truedough. You can tell how upset Trudy was when Keystone was cancelled by his complete unwillingness to send any disapproval to his new bestie, Joe Bribem. And why would Trudy disapprove when he knows that with Keystone in the grave, the Chinese kickback money will flow like tears that roll down Trudy's face after he watches Kisses under the Mistletoe on the Hallmark channel.

Losers - 11,000 Albertan's.

Losers - environment. Compare the environmental damage done from a clean source of transmission like a pipeline, and that of trucks and railroads carrying oil thousands of miles every day.

How big WAS this cancellation for the winners? Put it this way: it was the FIRST EO Bribem signed minutes after he exited the greenscreen Studio.

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