Thursday, December 10, 2020

Well, That's Interesting


After the better part of the morning drawing really cute rainbow flags on his AR-15, The Mayor decided to open up his computer and see what was happening in our truly global village. The first site The Mayor visited was USNI news. The Mayor enjoys reading about the US's carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups, it makes him feel like all is well in this stinking cesspool we like to call *the world*.

Looking at the picture above, you can see that there are 4 groups deployed just offshore America's coasts. Interesting that. The Mayor doesn't recall the last time 4 groups surrounded the coasts like they are right now at this exact second. The Mayor supposes it doesn't mean anything at all.

Then The Mayor remembered a post from a few days ago that stated the US military had cleared its docket for the next 10 days. Coincidence to be sure. Probably something to do with the Whuflu. The whuflu can be attributed to everything. 

Continuing on his daily reading, The Mayor then read that President Trump fired Defence secretary Mark Esper, and named 3 of his staunch loyalists to top defence positions. Why would President Trump do that if he won't be President in a month from now? That's a real head-scratcher.

The Mayor then remembered that it was just a few short days ago President Trump fired 9 members of the Pentagon's Defence Business Board and replaced them with loyalists, as well. Nothing to look at, just keep your feet moving. 

Gina Haspel? She's alive, she's just not invited to any top-level CIA meetings.

Now the actual piece of shit msm are actually talking about Hunter Biden and his brother being compromised by the Chinese? What the actual hell is this?

Eric Swalwell got caught in a honey trap by a Chicom spy? Me oh my oh me oh my!! Pelosi knew about his dalliances? Oh dear, tell me that can't be true! Please msm, tell me that can't be true!

And those are just the first 8 articles The Mayor touched upon this morning, all before 9am.

What a day, more coffee needed.

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