Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Victory Coffee

Victory Coffee


Monday, July 15, 2024

A walk in the park


I walk in the park and I am in love with Toronto again. It was the City of Light, tonight. As is my practice, I channel spirits, so I walk the streets, allowing the spirits to make their favorite selection of bodies to move in to. I was at Geary and Ossington, standing on top of the retaining wall. Jack, the tourist that Edgar Cayce warned you about, is here. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this. I care. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Horoscope for the week

Soil mechanics figures prominently in the horoscope this week. Olivine is the mineral of the week, and can be used in meditation to commune with plutonic intellects. 

Aries: A sinkhole is forming close to where you usually park your car at the shopping mall. Tuesday, a patch of gravel lane abutting a retaining wall becomes quicksand, and you are the first to figure it out. To increase your stress level, try and warn people without being charged with racism.

Taurus: Your week begins with imposed burdens paired with unpleasant smells.  This is the astrological indicator of a 'neglected barn that needs a cleaning'. Nothing you cannot handle, Taurus.  The backhanded opportunity is the fact that you will own the barn yourself soon enough. On Tuesday, your helpful gesture is misinterpreted as a home invasion. Wear gloves, as well as a mask to accommodate peoples fear of disease at the hands of a disguised bacteria.  

Gemini: From the beginning of the week until Wednesday, you will both receive blessings as well as distribute them. Friday, you will have your hearts desire even as others receive theirs. Gold figures prominently, although silver, diamonds, and, rubies will show up on the baubles. 

Cancer: On Wednesday, you will meet with someone who shares your interest in urban tunneling. Your instinctive understanding of Terzaghi's equation makes you a natural, and your qualities show. Early Friday morning, a problem just goes away, leaving you a little bit sad, until you realize someone forgot a powerful Alien artifact, which, really, you know how to use to purposes much better than them.

Leo: Distortion in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a strange moving anomaly that follows you around some 40 kilometers below the Earth's crust works to your advantage, Leo. If you venture around fresh water, be prepared to be hailed as a hero, and receive fame and product endorsements. Dress your most wonderful self, and utilize your mastery of all weather make-up. This opportunity zone stretches from the start of the week until two in the afternoon on Tuesday. Friday is a good day to buy socks. 

Virgo: From Tuesday at two in the afternoon until Thursday at midnight expect many small blessings as an extraterrestrial domestic service device works its magic within a range of 3.14 meters of the tip of your nose. You will find the key to the tunnel in a fold in the sofa. 

Libra: Strong arm robbery was never your forte, Libra. However, using the internet you can find the right AI and components to construct your own domestic assistant between now and Wednesday. Be careful, as the AI knows a lot of history, and knows that 'domestic' used to refer to the elite guard that surrounded the Emperor. Friday, expect a present; unexpected or not, do your best Thank You.

Scorpio: The issue of controlling looting during air raids starts to show up during staff meetings. It is not a problem, but your sign is gifted with foresight in matters of Total War. Keep your opinion to yourself about credit card access to shelters until you see which way the wind is blowing.  On Friday, score a half price dinner with your winning smile.

Sagittarius: You are an immovable force and an irresistible object this week, Sagittarius. From Tuesday at two in the afternoon until Thursday at midnight you have the double dilemma of working with conflicting law codes with a pedant, acting in the absence of the sense of the spirit of the law.  

Capricorn: Thursday, you receive a communication from your friends in your past life in Atlantis. This will get you thinking about subsidence, surface liquification, and, the signs of mountain up thrust centered under Dundalk, Ontario. Real estate opportunities are there, but make sure your investment lots face the smoking mountain. Everyone loves a view!

Aquarius: Mars has plans for you, but next week. Expect some foreshadowing which will ramp up in intensity through the week. If your birthday is Valentine's Day, prepare a travel bag as your services are needed off planet. Routine maintenance of your tunneling machine is called for, but the issue has been overlooked. 

Pisces: The way things work has changed, and the changing has not stopped. In fact, some things just backfire, which will bring you a good portion of Schadenfreude on Tuesday, Thursday, and especially, Friday. A review of your personal Confined Spaces protocol is called for when you get 'Pack Your Own Parachute' in a fortune cookie. 

The image used shows the mythical figure of Fenris leading Tyr by the hand down the garden path to a happy Summer picnic.