Sunday, January 8, 2023

Toronto, the City of Light (01 08 23)

I am a human resources professional, it says so on my card. Management wisely realized that too many employees would snivel about the sex tape component of their corporate profile. They lacked resources to produce an acceptable sex tape, one that would reflect Corportate magnificence. 'Magnificence' is McCullough's word, by the way. They lacked imagination, costumes, or knowledge of rigging. They are talentless, not plumbers; they are unused to having things not fall apart. Our actuary informed the decision team that at least one would impale themselves on a thruster leg, leading to dismemberment. It was decided to make the corporate sex tape option of 'career' videos to invisible from the user it is associate with.

 Human resources, me, wisely pointed out that each employee was supposed to have a sex tape, appropriate for the Corporate standards of magnificence.  Why not just use AI to generate these sex tapes, but keep them hidden from the user?  At least until they bothered to knuckle under to Loyalty to Diversity Policy?  After they uploaded a sex tape, they could then view other's sex tapes, even the fake ones.  Their own 'default' sex tape would be redacted.  This would give the perverts and twisted degenerates on staff a social advantage.  A way to give them a slurp of woke white privilege, so to speak.

Of course, several hundred hours of work-effort would be involved in creating these defaults.  Or so the corporate decision team would think.  I snapped up the responsibility for my department.  I could use the space alien software to crank out these in a carefree evening where I could would at home.  I work best stoned, and I get stoned best at home.  I just finished the lot, tonight.  Right now.  Now I have seven hundred no work hours to share out to my cut-out staff of virtual Human Resources employee numbers.  Their wages all flow back into my accounts through the Friend's Bank of Palermo.

The space aliens like table driven software.  Complimentary is a sliding scale.  At one end is a three pack a day smoker with an aversion to sunlight and soap.  At the other is a perfect athletic specimen.  Each employee is assessed a complimentary 'reality start point'.  You can figure it out.  There really are only ten complimentary settings, but it is interesting to see the swirling figures suddenly morph from notch to notch.  The 'Scenario' is a radio button.  I do not know that a bunch of buttons, where you could only pick one is a 'radio button'.  Anyway, I like the 'Locker Room' or 'Office Ravishing' ones. And for length, I use the

Like I said I am finishing up the database tonight.  All of the employees get a sex tape.  Well, only up to Manager 2.0.  I just earned seven hundred hours of pay.  I work from home, smoke dope and lounge around in dollar store track pants. 

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this.  I care.

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