Friday, November 11, 2022

The Moment of Intersection (22-11-11)

 This Remembrance Day will be your last with a planet not under perpetual rainfall.  Aliens from Outer Space will launch an Invasion; which will be fought off at great cost.  The Next Invasion will be of time travellers, from your own future.  Your grandson, who looks just like you at the same age, wants to replace you.  He is from the future, your future.  He is human, just like you.  He wants to stop the Aliens from Outer Space, and you are just so much food wasted, maybe.  He knows your basement.  He knows your car.  He is coming for you, and he is wearing your clothes.  He can take over your job.  You will be in the basement, or drugged on the sofa.  Maybe your children hate you, and you will be in the freezer.  Meat for the winter.  

It is too late.  The time travellers are coming through before the Aliens from Outer Space show up.  That is why things do not make sense.  The pre-event time travellers; what they are doing does not make sense; but it will, later.  You do not know how bad the Aliens from Outer Space are, really; but the time travellers, they do.  So a year from now, that will be your November 11.

You can scratch a calendar into the bulkhead.  You roam a portion of outlet mall; many doors you cannot open.  There are no people.  There are food service islands in the wide central corridor.  Your only drink is coffee, black.  From a slot you get a steady four hour sandwich wrapped in wax paper.  

The right friends can get you a preferment.  Some people get along just fine with time travellers.  Maybe corporations; that is, let us call it corporate culture. Yes, our corporate culture is to supply stuff and inter-breed with these human time travellers.  Engaged in a frantic race of logistics to thwart Aliens from Outer Space.  

Your society will soon have sex slavery, the press gang, plantation agriculture, and, blood sports. 

As such, you are an Original, surrounded and outnumbered by AI Sex Robots, reprogrammed for customer service.  Augments appear in your society: they drive your cars while drunk on leave, they create demand for maternity nurses, they drive up the price of pop and chips.  

Your Individuality only exists inside your personal thoughts.  What of this cultural festival called Remembrance Day?  One of many, cultural festivals.  There was Christmas, too.  There was Easter, the first long weekend festival of them all. It was so important.  There were Saint's Days, too.  Saint Bridgit, Saint Clement, Saint Duns Scotus.   Back when you had a civilization; had civilization taken from you with a taste of cough syrup poured into your mouth while you slept on the sofa during a ball game.  Woke up, indeed.  Woke up in a travel crate for primates.  Your grandson did it.  He looks just like you. 

If you peek through the grill, you can see a window that looks out on a road.  There is a shrub to the right.  

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this.  I care.