Friday, January 22, 2021

Age of Aquarius

   1.4    The fourth house.  The home.

The natural ruler of the fourth house is Cancer.  The affairs of this house are distractions and complications to all Capricorns, and in all affairs of this house, Capricorns have a disadvantage from a natural opposition.

During the Age of Aquarius, the assigned ruler of the second house is Taurus.

Things better be comfortable in the home during the Aquarian Age.  There better be food, comforts, beauty.  Otherwise, Taurus will get angry and break things.  So, the Aquarian Age will witness an oscillation between long periods of happy, well fed in the stable time, and short periods of raging stampedes of totally destructive peasants.  There will be a fascination with ancestors role in history, and resources expended in the study of ancient arts and crafts.

2.4 The transition effects on the fourth house

During the Age of Pisces, the assigned ruler of the fourth house was Gemini.  

At the beginning of the age, very few of our fourth house actors are aware of the change in the nature of their role.  Unfortunately for the aristocrats who inherit rulership, the old Gemini methods of motivation by fear, reward, or deception, will backfire.  In the old system, the frequently corrupt actors of the fourth house merely escaped with a fine, perjured apology, or various virtue signaling.  Now they will face the angry bull, upon whom golden words only stoke anger.

Capricorn can take advantage of this.  Taurus, assigned ruler of the fourth house in the Aquarian Age, is of an allied element to Capricorn.  Capricorn can front run market trends in nostalgia, memorabilia, and home comforts.  They can identify the soon to be crucified aristocrats who provoke unquenchable anger by threatening the comforts of the home, the beliefs of tradition, and the conveniences of life on the dole.  

Chapter Index.  


Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Age of Aquarius

  1.2   The second house.  Personal property

The natural ruler of the second house is Taurus.  The affairs of this house are of interest of all Capricorns, and in all affairs of this house, Capricorns have advantage from being a similar element.

During the Age of Aquarius, the assigned ruler of the second house is Pisces.

Acquiring and retaining property becomes a matter best directed by the subconscious, intuition, and divination.  Things of value will become valueless quickly over night, or slowly over a lifetime.  The forces robbing objects of value are beyond the reason of an average person.  Similarly, common objects will become valuable.  These forces will be compared to fog, to the silent rise of rivers, and the incomprehensible creative and destructive forces of the ocean.  

Lotteries, black markets, evading regulations, and gaming public dole will be the common lot.    Currencies will be legion; they will come and go.  Corporations will rise and fall on fickle public opinion.  

2.2 The transition effects on the second house

During the Age of Pisces, the assigned ruler of the second house was Aries.  

At the beginning of the age, very few of our second house actors are aware of the change in the nature of their role.  Given that pioneering Aries thrives on adventure and challenge, the common man was attracted to 'work ethics' (that worked!), finding new products, creative marketing, and leveraging out the middle man.  These are very attractive to those wishing to obtain and retain personal possessions.  They are no more.  There will be resistance to accepting change; these people will be food for bigger fish.  The state will provide all wants; obtaining needs will require a bit of moxy. 

A truism about Pisces is 'help comes to them when needed'.  The Aquarian Age is better imagined as being a successful creature of a coral reef community, than a heroic individual of the frontier.  Resources are far more plentiful, in fact, surplus and excess will be common place.   

In the Aquarian Age, personal property becomes far more dangerous that it was  in the preceding age.  In the past, dangerous objects were tools of survival.  In the Aquarian age, dangerous objects will be for entertainment.  

Most laws will not be uniformly enforced.  Casual disobedience will become common place, and hence dangerous.  Be careful which part of the coral reef you frequent.

Atlantis will rise again from the ocean.  Space travel will de-populate the earth, making real estate worthless.  Technology will eliminate the need for most of the objects you use.   

Chapter Index. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Age of Aquarius

 1.10  The tenth house.  Governments, rulers, and masters of estates

The natural ruler of the tenth house is Capricorn.  The affairs of this house are of natural interest of all Capricorns, and in all affairs of this house, Capricorns have advantage from divine entities, and inherent ability. 

During the Age of Aquarius, the assigned ruler of the tenth house is Scorpio.

Secret combinations form to control governments, corporations, enterprises, and estates.  Their agenda is control, and ideology is subservient to power.  Where their ideology is noble, still deception will be required for success.  Less evolved agendas include personal wealth, sexual favors, and forbidden pleasures.  

Secret combinations will extend across entities.  Members of these secret combinations will form smaller splinter groups.  Adept members will be suspicious of others, and be guarded in speech and action, extending to their private lives.   

2.10 The transition effects on the tenth house

During the Age of Pisces, the assigned ruler of the tenth house was Sagittarius.  

At the beginning of the age, very few of our tenth house actors are aware of the change in the nature of their role.  Given that warlike Scorpio is more predatory than scholarly Sagittarius, the 'old school'  actors will be consumed quickly by scandal, become compromised by blackmail, or surrender to darkness and the pleasures it brings.  

At first, secret combinations will be devoted to establishing their control.  Their motivation will be wealth, privilege, and sex.  Ideology will be a convenient front, an excuse and rationalization for their ignoble acts.

After the first wave, secret combinations will form in resistance to the initial opportunists who discovered new feeding niches.  The second wave will be more extreme than the first, having been stung by treachery, greed, and incompetence of the former.  The second wave will come as those seeking to wallow in the pleasures of the darkness; alternately, they will be seeking to destroy the first wave.  Having learnt the methods used by the first wave, the second wave will master their tactics and replace them in a series of ugly power struggles.

The third wave will be when the common people comprehend that Scorpio now rules the tenth house.  

Chapter Index.  

Victory Coffee


Sure beats the woke mush of Hollywood, eh?  Great lockdown viewing.  Victory Coffee!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Victory Coffee


I am developing much respect for the Emperor Aurelian.  

Victory Coffee

Friday, January 1, 2021

Five resolutions for the New Year

1) No clicks for Bolsheviks.  I always check the link before I click.  Statist media already gets wheel barrows of money.  Who are you to encourage their advertisers with hope?  Let those who buy the media buy the products of their advertisers too.  

2) Give broke to the woke.  I need to be convinced that the merchant I am dealing with is not contaminated with systemic racism in thought, word, or deed.   They have denounced themselves as racists, which is a terrible crime.  You have been warned: who are you to finance their hate?

3) Encourage two people every day.  Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear are the bamboo stakes in the punji pit.  You will never meet a Dominion voter, so your good words and positive direction will only be cast upon Patriots and neutrals.  The woke, alas, live in a world of swelling fear.  Encouragement will contradict their world view: their heads will explode.  

4) Do not cast your pearls before swine.  One of the identifying characteristics of the shadow is aversion to reason.  Another, is twisting reason to spread fear.  Why waste your time?  Just smile behind your mask,

5) Win every day.  You can look forward to a year of days where you deny resources to the army of occupation.  Every day, you will encourage Patriots and neutrals.  Every day you will gather resources.  Every day you will trample the crop of fear.

I, Fenris Badwulf, wrote this.  I care.